2002-11-22 04:49:00
My Friends,
Just time for a few comments. The question has come up as to whether even a Dark Brother can change and choose the path of light, for does not free will always exist?
Yes, free will always does exist but so do limitations that circumscribe each one of us. If through mistakes made by your free will, you find yourself in free fall because you drove off a cliff, this does not mean all you have to do is decide to pick a safe path and all will be well.
No. In this situation, you would regret your mistakes but there would be no way out in this life. You would be doomed to dying in a car crash with the hope you would be wiser in the next life.
One can make very grievous mistakes and pay off his karma and chose the path of light, but when he makes a conscious decision to choose the dark path, when the two paths are clearly presented before him then it is as if he has driven off a cliff and cannot return in this round if he wanted to.
What happens when the dark path is chosen is that a separate reality is created that is disconnected from the God Principle. When this illusionary reality is fully entered into, the soul then cannot be found no matter what effort is made. The personality is then destroyed and rebuilt in a future system. The Dark Brother will be redeemed, but it will be eons in the future.
DK tells us that we receive many warnings from the soul before the God Principle is severed. If we have within us even one desire to serve or to do good then we have not yet chosen the dark path.
Welcome back John C. As far as your observation goes that both the brotherhoods on Aeton seemed to be on the dark side let me say this.
Those who choose the teachings of light on any progressing system will be far from perfect. What you look at is the actual teachings which are supposed to be followed. For instance, many Christians have committed many atrocities in the name of Christ yet the pure teachings of Christ are only good, beautiful and true. Because there are some bad apples and bad groups along the way does not diminish the light within the words of Christ.
Sometimes those who embrace the words of light do not set a much better example than those who embrace the words of darkness.
Are we to then throw up our hands and quit when we see a fellow brother or sister make a mistake? No. Because of the principle of dominating good, the light will prevail in the end. We must endure in season and out of season for the time will come when each world will see a clear demarcation of light and dark. The side of light and love eventually becomes dominated with good guys.
Was Sabul Philo?
You never know.
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