Dweller Info

2002-11-8 05:31:00

My Friends,

Thought I would take a few moments and make some comments.

Ruth asks:
"If you have overcome the fear of dying, then surely it couldn't be that hard to overcome a Dweller?:

The fear generated by the final powerful confrontations with the dweller is not related to physical death. A person can be completely unafraid of death, yet be unprepared to meet the Dweller. Because the disciple is so closely linked with the Dweller over many lifetimes, as a last attempt to control, he works on a fear much more profound than that of the death of the physical body, but the destruction of your very soul. This is an illusion he is able to hold over the seeker, but it will seem very real to the one involved. Hopefully, my writings on the Dweller will help some disciples to keep faith in themselves when the time comes.

"I have lived in pain for 18 years, is that karma or would that be part of the Dweller?"

This would generally have nothing to do with the Dweller, but with Karma.

Can the Dweller attack you in the dream world?

Yes, this does happen, usually before the big confrontation. An example of this was Bruce Lee's dream confrontation. He was an initiate and was confronting his dweller.

Also if God is in everyone, then when the time comes for the people of earth to be segregated to the left or right of Him, then what happens to those souls on the wrong side? Do they stay on earth still or are they banished to the astral level or sent to another planet? Do the non-believers or non-soul contact or dark brothers go somewhere else?

There are numerous divisions between light and dark before the big one at the end of human evolution on the earth, which will be yet millions of years in the future. Djwhal Khul tells us that 60% of humanity will then pass on to higher evolution but 40% will not "graduate" but will have to continue evolution when another opportunity comes around. These 40% are not Dark Brothers, but just failures in this round who will be given another chance.

Only a small number becomes Dark Brothers. A person must first become an initiate on the path of light before he can even choose the dark path - a little like Darth Vader.