2002-10-26 13:15:00
Dear JJ
I have tried to download various mp3's from your free audio site and the only ones that are working are the ones under the gathering. Is there a reason for this.
I've had to take some of them off because they take up so much space. However, if you order the Gathering 2002 CD they will all be on there along with three days of the seminar - and the quality will be higher. The CD's also include photos and several older seminars I gave on Relationships and the Purpose of Sex plus some songs I wrote for the group performed by Mark Williams.
Go to freeread.com and scroll down to the ordering section or go directly to: Audios By JJ Dewey
"Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt
Dance like nobody's watching."
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved