1999-1-30 10:02:00
Lelona hit the nail on the head with her comment here. It fits right in with my other post today:
"If key positions were appointed by assuming the position, or by the vote of the department, or example, I think that would be a better way."
I'm glad you seem to be back to normal after that gas explosion.
I believe it was you who came up with the following:
"Check it out at www.freeread.com"If you are interested in discussing it further, please call (my number) and leave a message. I'll return your call as soon as possible."
What do you all think?
Sounds good. As soon as I get a moment I am going to write some sample ads and a possible flyer and whoever wants to can use them.
Welcome to Kevin, another intelligent poster.
I appreciated Xaviers run down of my post the other day, very thoughtful. I still maintain this is the best place on the Web though. Not meaning that are better than others, we just have more interesting discussions.
Samu made some comments that made it sound as if he had already read my writings before they are posted:
"By making sure the workers are independent people who think for themselves, yet they are group-minded beings, who work together for a common goal, and are willing to speak out loud their opinion, if they see there's room for improvement in the way business is handled. Bosses should be more like organizers who make the business run smoothly in the most effective way, instead of big-wigs who gain the glory sitting in their high chairs telling 'people below' how things should be run. I think it's important to keep in mind that not only can we offer something to a company, but it should also provide us an environment where we feel what we do is of importance, instead of feeling just like a mindless piece of the big machinery. We must not become slaves even if we are paid to do what we are good at, but the focus should be meaningful collaboration, where we get what we have been giving, and that goes both ways between employers and employees. When the feeding cycle is up and running, win-win is reality, and All benefit."
Finally, Diane makes an interesting comment:
"I have given this a lot of thought and decided that the kind of person I am is that I need to be very sure of my subject and I don't know nearly enough at this juncture to be comfortable teaching or holding a group. I can't even argue successfully with some people on another list I'm on because I don't have enough knowledge. I am not at the right stage yet."
I am sure there are a lot of readers (present and future) who feel this way so I will make some comments here.
If you decide not to participate in organizing a group the reason should be because you checked with your soul and not because you feel inadequate. The reason? Our soul sees with a much wider angle of vision than we do and will often prompt us to move ahead into areas where we feel unprepared. When it does and we follow the reward will always be rich.
Some of the disciples had the same problem when Jesus told them to go out and teach, after all how do you follow in the footsteps of a Master such as He?
Here is what He told them:
"But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you." (the Oneness Principle)
(Matt 10:19-20)
If your soul confirms that you are to help with this project you will find that words will be put in your mouth that are beyond your normal intelligence, and your group will marvel at the interesting things that you will present and the peace that pervades them.
If you find that you are too nervous to tune into the Spirit at first you will find that all you need do is ask several of the questions we have been discussing as a group. You will often find that you may not even get to the second question. I have taught many classes in my life where I began by just asking a single question, and then all I did was call on students who wished to give their "two cents worth."
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved