
2002-10-14 00:33:00

Larry writes:
JJ wrote:

"I also said that the Libertarians have ingredients on the left and the right making it impossible to stereotype them as on one side or the other."

Just out of curiosity, what "ingredients" do you view the Libertarians as having that would indicate to you they had sympathies with the "left"? For example, here are some of their current positions (directly from their website at Which of these do you suppose indicates a "left leaning"?

There are two major areas where they side with the left.

(1) They advocate the legalization of drugs.

(2) They side with the far left in matters of conflict. On the present conflict, all libertarians I have heard make comments have been with the peace protesters stating we should not attack Iraq. Harry Brown (Libertarian Presidential candidate for several years) I think represented an extreme Left by saying we should not have attacked the Taliban or even entered Afghanistan with the military. He said that we should have sent some police to arrest Osama Bin Laden. This statement was about as far left as one can get, as well as very unrealistic.

Many Libertarians are so far left on conflict that some do not think we should have assisted England in stopping Hitler or even entered World War II when we did. Some think the North should have not fought the Civil War.

Watch how the far left of the Democratic Party vote on War matters and you will see the Libertarians will usually agree with them.