2002-10-12 06:11:00
I've been doing some additional thinking about the discussion of tyranny and have concluded there are three groups who look at it in differing ways.
The first group is the far Left. This group sees tyrannies as large corporations, especially those who cut down trees, drill for oil, pollute or do animal testing. Like Lenin, they see the whole capitalist system as a tyranny.
Another tyranny they see is the fundamentalist Christian and Jewish religions. Militant Islam doesn't seem to bother them nor do the eastern religions or the new age movement, but any fundamentalist Christian who wants a voice in government is seen by them as tyrannical more than any communist leader. These people rarely complain about the real tyrants such as Saddam Hussein and Castro, but will often see a C.E.O. as much worse.
The second group is the far Right. This group includes some fundamentalist Christians, patriot groups, tax protesters, strong Constitutionalists, Aryan Nations, Identity Movements, Militia groups and some Libertarians. Libertarians have beliefs on both sides of the isle and some view tyrannies with a mixture of views from both of the extremes.
Whereas the main enemy of the Left is large corporations the big tyrant of the Right is government, especially big government -- although big corporations are seen as an enemy to many also. Tyranny is often seen as anything that takes us away from the US Constitution. Also they disdain unjust laws and corrupt and ruthless authorities. Another thing that bothers many is change that society undergoes as it either progresses or retrogresses.
I would guess that there's a little over 10% on the far left and another 10% on the right.
This leaves somewhere around 80% in the middle third group who have a more orthodox view of defining that which may tyrannize people.
There are fine intelligent people on both sides and by some measures a few of my views would be in that 10% extreme. Be aware that I am not identifying these categories as a negative judgment or saying that all in the 10% extreme react alike, but seek to clarify a communication barrier that exists between groups.
The trouble occurs when these three groups get together and communicate. They will often have a much different view, not only what a tyranny is, but about man other definitions as well.
If you mention "tyranny" to the far left, "big oil" or some other large corporation may loom in his imagination more than any cruel dictator.
If you mention "tyranny" to the far right then our own big government is likely to come to his mind with more force than Iraq or North Korea.
The point I am making here is that these three groups will have frustration and difficulty in communicating and understanding each other unless they attempt three things:
In writing of more controversial subjects I will, usually define my terms and attempt to reach the consciousness of "the great unwashed" in the middle 80% with subtle expansions incorporated to speak to the two groups on the Left and the Right.
Overall, my writings are an attempt to reach every seeker in all groups and synthesize them into a fourth group who understands principles through the soul.
Copyright © 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved