2002-10-11 23:48:00
John writes:
Well, I see that you took my little tongue-in-cheek response seriously. Of course I didn't miss this definition when you posted it. In fact I knew your intended meaning from the start of this discussion. Because yours is the ONLY definition of tyranny that would make your original statement in the book accurate. So it seems a no-brainer. Believe me, there really is no more reason to try to "clear things up". I think everyone's gotten it by now.
In terms of bringing out the humor I was attempting to display, perhaps I should have gone with my other response:
I usually do not miss good humor. On rereading your post your intent is now clear.
"And in that day when you drop an anvil on your toe, ye need have no concern what ye shall speak for the words will be given unto you."
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