2002-10-6 18:02:00
I do not have time to answer your letter in full but I will say a few things.
As I mentioned to Larry, I firmly believe that not having a draft today is a big freedom that we did
not have in the Sixties. You can't say that this doesn't count as an expanded freedom because we might
have a [military] draft tomorrow. Some have been saying this for the thirty years; we have had no draft. This
type of thinking makes it impossible to smell the roses along the way. We have had thirty years where
our sons have not had to face a mandatory draft. I have been particularly thankful for this since I
have four sons that could have been drafted. If I spent the past thirty years letting the possibility
of a draft coming in tomorrow spoil my enjoyment and appreciation of the present then they might as
well of had a draft.
Yes, we could have World War 3 tomorrow.
Does this mean that we should live in misery as if World War 3 is happening?
Of course not.
Yes, we could have a draft tomorrow.
Does this mean that we not enjoy this freedom from the draft today -- and at least count it as a
current freedom. Or should we live our lives as if there is a draft?
Of course not.
Let us smell the roses of the freedoms we have as long as we have them and do what is in our power
to keep them.
As far as where the most freedoms lie - in the Sixties (and Early Seventies) or the present, there
are arguments on both sides. I think overall we have more freedom now. I certainly feel and see more
freedom in others. You disagree and think the balance is in the other direction. This is fine and no
big deal as long as we respect and understand each other's thoughts on the matter.
One problem you mention is that you feel I do not understand this underground knowledge you have of the
conspiracy and if I did I would apparently be terrified out of my shoes.
You say I am partially blinded because I do not understand the conspiracy and people who are supposed
to be in it such as the Rockefellers, Bildebergers and Rothschilds. Apparently, you swing more in the
direction of a general banking conspiracy rather than the Jewish conspiracy.
You seem to assume I am not aware of all the details and if I were I would be sounding an alarm and
instead of a Keys of Knowledge List, my priority would be Keys of the Conspiracy List.
I have said this a number of times. I have studied the conspiracy beginning with the John Birch
Society back in the Sixties and followed new materials on it ever since. I understand the theories
and teachings about the Rockefellers, Bildebergers and Rothschilds, illuminati, CFR, International
Bankers, Jews, Masons, the military, politicians, Catholic Church, Satanists, the New Agers and even
But who is the leader of this vast conspiracy? They cannot take over without a central leader. Many
have guessed at who this leader is, but none have been able to definitely identify him. This question
of the leader is an important key of knowledge in unraveling the whole mystery and also one of the
reasons that the last 100 out of 100 conspiracy predictions I have heard have not come true as
The answer is there is no leader. The truth is that there are selfish people seeking power within
every major group and within every nation and they have no one physical leader. Their true leader is
the Dark Brotherhood. To see the great enemy as one group and then destroy them, would do little good
because then the Dark Brotherhood would just concentrate their energies on another group.
Hitler was a conspiracy theorist who believed about 90% of the material right out of the current
conspiracy handbook. He thought, however, that the instigators of the whole conspiracy were the
Jews and if the Jews were destroyed then the conspiracy would end.
Now the interesting point is that he was not entirely wrong, just as there are representatives of
Dark Brothers in every major country and organization, there are some among the Jews. Many current
conspirators think of Hitler as a hero, and some see him as being right next to Jesus in status
because he played the international bankers for fools, took their money and then turned on them and
tried to destroy them thinking the Jews were the controlling entity.
Now, here is the principle we need to understand on this subject more than any other.
The dark forces will flow like water to where the gravity of selfishness, illusion and aggression lie.
Because of Hitler's willingness to make a first aggression and dismantle freedom to kill the
conspirators, the dark forces removed their prime attention from where they were before and focused
on Hitler.
This is ironical when you think of it.
Here was Hitler, a man who partially saw the conspiracy and sought to destroy the conspiracy, but
wound up becoming the most powerful agent the true conspirators had to work with in a thousand
We face this same danger again.
One branch of the conspirators today sees the main enemy as the Jews. If they had their way and
opportunity they would openly attack the Jews and bankers again just as Hitler did and if they had
any chance of success then the Dark Brotherhood would throw their full weight of support behind
them just as they did Hitler.
The other main branch does not see the Jews as the main focus but international bankers. These are
seen as puppeteers pulling strings of dupes all over the world. Now I have read the words and tuned
into the vibration of a number of conspiracy people in this group. Some are pure in heart and seek
only that which is right. But an alarming number have very strong seeds of authoritarianism in them
which could lead to the growth of tyranny, even though they may think they are fighting for the cause
of freedom. Some are very militant toward any who oppose their thinking in the slightest.
Remember this. Hitler thought he was fighting conspirators for the sake of freedom. So does Osama
Bin Laden. So has almost every major antichrist the world has seen.
Because of these strong seeds of authoritarianism, I see in many of the conspirators an eagerness
to take up arms against someone or something. If some leader were to arise leading to a first
aggression then it is entirely possible that the Dark Brotherhood could shift their energies to
them, again making those at the forefront of fighting the conspiracy the new main arm of the
For this reason and because the conspirators do not see the key of the conspiracy, I do not align
myself with them any more than I do the international bankers. But I will align myself with any
individual or group who has the true spirit of freedom in their hearts and is confirmed to me by
the Holy Spirit.
Copyright © 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved