1999-1-27 10:54:00
We have received an interesting assortment of responses on the group idea. I asked you to respond according to the feelings from your own communion with your soul and this you have done quite honestly.
One thing that does seem to distinguish this group is the honesty of the individual members. I am sincerely glad that each of you do speak the truth as you see it.
Whatever your response was and is about the group idea is a thing I accept, for some are here to learn only, others want to do more, but seek to serve in their own way and still others want to actively promote the teachings under discussion according to the ideas I presented.
Several of you have commented that you would be (or have) happy to share the teachings with your friends and would basically be interested in starting a group if it naturally evolves. If this is the direction you feel inclined to pursue you may eventually wind up with a fireball who will become a promoting energy for you and assist you in gathering some workable numbers.
Xavier and Rick seem to be "loners" who fit in this category, but from what I have seen of them on this list I would be willing to bet that both of them would become quite the "non loners" as well as promoters once they get a few interested on a local level.
Garrett does not want to participate at this time because he is not 100 per cent positive about the teachings. I know there is a lot of light in him from the postings he has made and if he has not received soul contact as of yet, the day cannot be far for him.
I am sure Garrett speaks for many and this is fine. No one can ask more of you than to follow the highest you know and be true to it.
I will say this, however. You do not have to be completely sure of a teaching to experiment with it and benefit from it.
There was much doubt concerning the teachings of Jesus:
12And there was much murmuring among the people concerning him: for some said, He is a good man: others said, Nay; but he deceiveth the people. 13Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews. 14Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught. 15And the Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned? 16Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. 17If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. [ John 7:12-17 ]
Notice in verse 17 He gave them a method of discovering the truth of His teachings. Do the will of God and you shall know if the doctrine is true. Jesus was basically telling the people that if His doctrine was true and from God and you apply the principles you will receive a witness and know the truth.
The same applies to me and all other teachers. If you apply or teach the teachings yourself your soul will eventually verify to you whether or not they are true. If a teaching is true it will grow like a good seed and expand your sensitivity to the Spirit of God within you. If the teaching is false you will receive an empty feeling and your interest and attention on the teaching will fade away, (unless you have the beast of authority force feeding you).
Several of you have told me that you already have a group and are teaching my writings as well as others. I appreciate this. Now I suggested the name, The Synthesis Group, but if you already have a group (with or without a name) and do not want to actively use the suggested name, yet still teach the writings, this is fine.
Actually all groups who seek to gather light from various sources are using the principle of Synthesis whether they use the word or not.
I see us creating a growing number of Synthesis Groups over time along with associated, but supportive groups, that will work in harmony with us, but may have some goals and teachings different from ours.
I will be putting together a flyer and sample ads that I will make available to all who can use them.
Let me close here by expressing my appreciation and love to each one of you who have ever posted and for the good vibes from you silent ones. You have made this forum the undiscovered oasis of light on the Web.
PS There has not been much comment on yesterday's question: "How is service going to have a different focus of attention in Aquarius than Pisces?"
Glenys gave some great thoughts on it. I would suggest that you read her post and see if additional ideas come to mind.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved