2002-9-25 03:06:00
Johne writes:
At the end of this chapter JJ, John talks about humans helping animals with their evolution. do our souls evolve from the animal kingdom into what we know as humanity or into something else? i've never met an enlightened cow but some Buddhist sects i've heard of forbid the killing of insects and worms because u could be killing ur grandmother's grandmother. is there any truth to that in Reality? or how about killing a fly simply because it's buzzing in my face and bugging me, would that in Truth be considered wrong action in any way?
First let me comment on Diane's reply. She has been on the list from the beginning and has always been helpful in a loving way. What can happen with any of us with new people is that we may sometimes come across different than we intend. I know when I first meet someone I often give an impression different than I intended. I hope you give Diane a second chance and I'm sure you will discover a good friend.
As far as our evolution goes we always move forward and not backward. Some Buddhists and Hindus believe that if you live a bad life you can be reborn as a snake or some other animal, but in this round of evolution you will always be reborn as a human until you become more than human in the kingdom of God.
If a person is very carnal and identifies powerfully with the material world, he can from the astral world, identify in consciousness with an animal. Because the will of a rat is small, he can share the consciousness in its body if he desires. But the spirit of the animal still lives in the body. Perhaps this is where this false teaching originated. This misconception has caused some in the East to be too extreme in dealing with the lower kingdoms.
As far as evolution from the lower kingdoms to the higher, I have written much on this. The parts which compose the human have come from the lower kingdoms, but the human monad (seed), the essential intelligence which is us does not manifest in fullness until the human vehicle is created.
This process of combining lesser parts to create a greater is covered in detail in the The Molecular Relationship.
To attain the greater life in the Kingdom of God, groups of humans join together in consciousness to create a vehicle to house a greater life which will descend. All the individuals will then share in the consciousness of the greater life while maintaining their individual identity.
You as a human, in turn, are composed of millions of lesser lives, including cells, bacteria, organs etc.
"How about killing a fly simply because it's buzzing in my face and bugging me, would that in Truth be considered wrong action in any way?"
Lesser lives like insects are not such a mistake to kill as a dog, for instance. We should not kill anything that is doing us no harm, (except for food) but I would have no reservations about swatting a fly that is buzzing around driving me crazy. On the other hand, if an insect is causing me no annoyance I will usually leave him alone or put him outside.
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved