2002-9-24 00:02:00
Larry writes:
What precisely do you mean by the following in Chapter 12??
"If the churches of today celebrated on the Sabbath maybe I would go once in a while,"
Are you referring to the beliefs of some Christians that Saturday is the proper "Sabbath" and that is when Christians should worship instead of Sunday?
Just curious.
Maybe I should clarify this in the dialog. In ancient times they rested from their labors on the Sabbath by celebrating and having some fun. Today most churches think we should be somber, sit around and do nothing.
Mindy writes:
This is probably a stupid question but I haven't had my coffee yet to jump start the brain cells this morning. In the following could someone elaborate on the last thought, "the well-known failure of the Buddha to attain his goal"?
"All have failed and will again along some line. E'en the Masters fail at times to pass through one or other of the highest initiations at their first attempt and - from the hierarchical angle - that connotes failure. But the failure is scarce recognized; the effort is made to register what caused the failure and the inability to stand before the One Initiator, for all effects emanate from some ascertainable cause. So should it be on all levels of advancement, even such a relatively unimportant effort (from the point of view of hierarchical work) as your attempt to gain the right of entry into my Ashram or what is called "ashramic penetration," and then on and up through many graded failures, until you meet the well-known failure of the Buddha to attain his goal."
(Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age)
According to Djwhal Khul, the Buddha still has an attachment to humanity and this has caused him not to move ahead on the path. He chose the path of earth service instead of the path to Sirius where he was supposed to have gone. Buddha did not quite reach his goal of nonattachment.
He also failed to make sure that a clear doctrine of the Middle Way was passed down by his disciples.
Of course, using this standard we could even say that Christ failed to insure the full understanding of love was passed down and taught during the Piscean age.
Each avatar can only do so much to make sure his message is understood.
By the way, welcome to the list Johne.
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