2002-9-22 02:54:00
The Relief Mine
By Ogden Kraut
First Published 1978
Chapter 7 Part 2
On August 16, 1913, the Church leaders once again emphasized their stand against the mine by reproducing the article of August 2 with the following comments:
Owing to the importance of the subject treated in the letter of the First Presidency to the officers and members of the Church which appeared in the Deseret News of August 2nd of this year, it is reproduced at the head of this column. We trust the Saints generally will profit by the advice given, and in order to bring it to the attention of all members it might be well to cause the letter to be read in ward meetings or stake conferences or other similar gatherings of the people. The First Presidency warns the Saints against investing in worthless stock, even if promoters allege that they are guided by dreams and revelations. It is a timely warning. Almost everyone has heard stories of how such and such found a rich mine by following directions given in a dream, and many fondly hope for similar luck, but in most instances, it will be found on investigation, that such stories have little or no foundation in fact. They belong to a class where rumors which like the wind, "bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof. But canst not tell whence it cometh or whither it goeth." No one should be guided by such rumors but by reason enlightened by the Holy Spirit. It is a safe rule not to accept the counsel of anyone who is in any way antagonistic to those who have been duly appointed to lead and guide Israel. And it will be found that the promoters of "dream mines" and vision enterprises generally are of that class. They find fault and pass judgment without justification. But by that very fact they warn the Saints to steer clear of them, just as the ringing or whistling of buoys during foggy weather call attention to mariners to the pre-[64]sence of danger by the noise they make. (An Historical Study of the Koyle Relief Mine, 1894-1962, Christianson, p. 46)
This "warning" article was again reprinted in the Deseret News, Dec. 29, 1945, over the signatures of President George Albert Smith and his two counselors.
But the Bishop was not trying to dictate the affairs of the Church. The miners were not trying to change the doctrines or principles, nor instructing how to do missionary work or temple endowments. Nor was the stock of the mine only for members of the Church. The fact that it is a mining venture with a spiritual guidance is certainly not an uncommon thing--rather, it is the way mining should be conducted. The fact that Jesse Knight had a manifestation that saved the Church is enough proof that God can speak to others outside of the general authorities of the Church--even to proving a blessing to the Church.
Many Church members became involved with the mine, even though they had no particular desire or interest to do so. However, the Lord may call people to a special labor or mission, yet it may be against their own will or pleasure. Frank Hanks was one of those called by the Lord to assist in that mine, even though he had no interest in it. Frank owned a farm near Salem which occupied all of his time and attention. Yet he often saw and greeted John Koyle. He never became a personal friend or was closely associated with him until after the following incident:
Frank Hanks was known to have the finest team of matched horses in the county. His team had won prizes at state and county fairs that made him the envy of every farmer in the valley. Now Frank Hanks had a very disturbing dream, clear and distinct. He was shown in his dream that he should sell this prize team of horses and give the money to Bishop Koyle for the Dream Mine. [65] Hanks was not at all favorable to the dream, and it bothered him no end to know of a certainty if the dream were true and given to him from the Lord, or if it were more in the class of a nightmare. He remembered a test he had read about in the Old Testament of how righteous Gideon had determined his mission from the Lord by suing a fleece on which dew was to form, with none on the ground. And how it was repeated the next night with the fleece dry but the ground wet with dew. (See Judges 6:36-40.) So Frank Hanks put a fleece on the lawn and prayed as did Gideon, that if his dream was true let there be dew on the fleece the next morning, but let it be dry on the grass. And the next morning it was so, and Hanks saw that he had a very damp fleece, but the grass was dry. The next night Hanks reversed himself and asked then for the fleece to be dry and the grass to be wet. And the next morning it was so, and Frank Hanks knew that his dream was of the Lord. Therefore, he offered his prize team for sale and gave the money to Bishop Koyle. Bishop Koyle was equally inspired to make Frank Hanks a director in the company, thereby gaining a loyal and devoted supporter. Hanks was further rewarded by the Lord Himself, when shortly before his death he was permitted to make a spiritual visit into the nine rooms, and was able to describe in intimate detail what he had been shown. (The Dream Mine Story, Pierce, pp. 27-28)
So much controversy among Church members created much interest and investigation. Even the authorities of the Church were not in agreement with the actions of the First Presidency, as indicated by the following examples:
[66] Apostle George Teasdale once listened to the whole story. He later said he knew it was of God and gave it his official blessing, and commended Bishop Koyle for his work on the mine.
Apostle Matthais F. Cowley, although very pressed for money, was another who bought stock in the mine and gave it his favor and approval, declaring that it was inspired of God.
President Anthony W. Ivins invited Bishop Koyle into his office and asked to hear the story. He listened carefully and asked many questions. After Bishop Koyle related the details of his call to the mine, President Ivins said that the Bishop had a great obligation from the Lord and he must follow through on that mining mission. This was in fulfillment of a dream that Bishop Koyle had previously received about an interview with President Ivins.
President J. Golden Kimball was one of the Seven Presidents of the Seventies and knew Bishop Koyle from the missionfield. This man was close enough to the Lord that his name was mentioned by the Nephite messengers. They instructed Bishop Koyle that he should give Pres. Kimball 500 shares of stock--whether he could pay for it or not. Later, Golden Kimball was invited by Bishop Koyle to come down for a visit, which he did. After the Bishop related the whole story, Golden paced the floor back and forth without saying a word. Then, Bishop Koyle said, "Well, do you believe it or not?" The reply was, "How much is the stock?" When he asked for 500 shares, Golden was astounded when Bishop Koyle handed him a certificate already filled out for that amount.
[67] J. Golden Kimball was a friend to Bishop Koyle and a strong supporter of the mine throughout his life.
One of the last testimonies given of Golden's association with Koyle and the mine was by Vern Bullock, who said:
The last I was at the mine and saw Bishop Koyle was about 1937. I visited the mine with a gentleman that was quite closely connected with the mine, by the name of June M. Pierce, who at that time lived in Springville. Mr. Pierce passed away a couple of years ago. But the last time I [68] was there . . . I might state here, though, that the visit I made up there, J. Golden Kimball, his wife, and a grandson happened to be at the cabin at the mine, and as I passed by he was about to leave and he said, "The Lord bless you, Bishop Koyle, and may you have success," or something to that effect. (Dream Mine: A Study in Mormon Folklore, Joe Stanley Graham, p. 252; quote by Vern Bullock, Provo, Utah, Dec. 7, 1969)
These were all good men who prayed and sought counsel from the Lord. They were humble enough to ask and ponder the whole issue before they made any judgments. They were not the kind who would rather trust in the arm of flesh for all their answers. They got their own answers from the heavens.
The question so often arises: "How could so many members of the Church, even many leaders, be wrong in their judgment against the mine?" First, every man, even the President of the Church, is often persuaded by his own opinions. Second, everyone who trusts the opinion of others rather than receive revelation on the matter, is also subject to error. The error in personal judgment by some official of the Church has snow-balled by gathering opponents and momentum down through the years. In that day when the mine is vindicated, then shall many eyes be opened to the truth that trusting in the arm of flesh is a serious sin.
The restrictions placed upon John Koyle by some of the leaders of the Church prevented him and his associates from doing any further work on the mine. But annual assessment work is required by law. Soon the Koyle mining property became delinquent and the claims were placed back upon the open market. Anyone could refile on the property, take up the claim, and become the new and rightful owner. The first two claims that became delinquent were snapped up by two Peterson brothers. The [69] January deadline on the remaining claims was approaching. Other people were waiting and watching for a chance to jump the remaining claims. But Bishop Koyle had been warned that if he went on that hill again, he would be excommunicated--there was nothing he could do.
Then he had another dream. He was given the comforting assurance that it would all turn out well in the end. He saw in his dream that the mine was likened to a huge log, from which two men came and removed a slab (or claim) from each side of the log. Then someone else came along and took the entire log. But in a short time the log was returned to him--then the two slabs were also returned. One day a man by the name of Ben H. Bullock was sitting in a chair of the lobby in the Kenyon Hotel in Salt Lake City. It was early morning and Ben was half dozing in the easy chair when a clear voice spoke to him. It directed him to go to the Dream Mine and take up the claims of the mine. He understood that it was to save the mine for Bishop Koyle.
Being one to give quick obedience to such promptings, Bullock at once departed for Spanish Fork where he secured a horse and rode to Water Canyon as far as the horse could make it in the deep January snow. Then he tried to continue on foot only to find that he sank in the snow almost to his hips and could make no progress. Then it was that Ben H. Bullock knelt down in the snow and most earnestly prayed that if the Lord desired him to complete this job, then to please make the snow hard enough to hold him up. He tried it again, and now the snow held, and without further trouble he was able to stake out and place notices on the main series of eight claims. After that it was only a matter of [70] recording them and then signing a quit-claim deed back to the Koyle Mining Co.; all of which was accomplished within a three-day period. And thus the "Relief Mine" was once again secure for the stockholders without the necessity for anyone having to do any assessment work and thereby placing in jeopardy their Church membership--a very real threat at the time. A few more years and the Peterson "slabs" were also restored to the company, and thus was fulfilled the dream of the "log" and the "slabs". (The Dream Mine Story, Pierce, p. 32)
After the Church protest against the mine, the State soon took up the banter. Probably the State Securities Commission was encouraged or induced to make an attempt to close the mine. The S.S.C. called Dr. Fredrick J. Pack of the University of Utah to investigate the mine and make a report to the State of his finding. Dr. Pack was accredited as being one of the best geologists in the state, and he was given national honors by being included in the "Who's Who in America" publications. His fame and honors became somewhat tarnished after he declared that a commercial quantity of oil would never be found in Utah. For many years he claimed nearly all of Utah's oil had been dissipated down the Colorado River. However, Utah today claims one of the nation's largest oil reserves.
Dr. Pack had condemned the Dream Mine before ever visiting the property.
Several of us have talked with Dr. Frederick J. Pack upon the matter and found him very adverse, radically so. ln fact, we have set him completely out of the affair. We thought he was giving us facts, but upon investigation we found he has never been at the mine or upon the mountains in that region, talking only from secondhand hearsay, or from geological structure in [71] general. We are not seeking men's opinions unless they are first-hand. We are rather shocked with the utter intolerance among mankind generally. Seemingly, some people accept gossip in preference to the truth. ("Statement made by Carter E. Grant, Sept. 9, 1931, to James E. Talmage," p. 5)
Finally Dr. Pack went to the Dream Mine, took samples of ore from various places in the tunnels, and made his report to the Securities Commission--offering his opinion and condemnation of the project by saying:
In my judgment the Koyle Mining property offers no encouragement whatsoever for the future. Evidences of commercial mineralization are wholly lacking. The "ore" bodies recently discovered are shown by assays to be worthless. This is also true of the ore in the mill bins awaiting treatment. I have seldom, if ever, seen a mining prospect that exhibited such a complete absence of mineralizations. (Deseret News, Jan 20, 1933)
The State now felt they had the ammunition they desired to stop work at the mine, and shut down its operations.
[72] Deseret News, Salt Lake City, Utah, Friday January 20, 1933
Board Orders Charge In Dream Mine Case Action Follows Special Report on Properties of Company
"If the state presents evidence that company stock has been sold without a permit from the securities commission a complaint will be issued in ten minutes," said Harold Wallace, county attorney. At the same time, Mr. Wallace said that his files are now flooded with requests from individuals for complaints as a result of the sale of stock in the "Dream Mine." All of these requests, he said, come from individuals who have purchased personal stock from other individuals, and in such cases complaints have no foundation in law. A report late Friday from the Utah county attorney's office, was to the effect that if the information of the state securities commission showed any crime committed or law violated by the officials of the Koyle Mining company, action by the county attorney will follow immediately. On receipt of reports from Dr. Frederick J. Pack that the Koyle Mining company property, otherwise known as the Dream Mine, situated near Salem, Utah, offers no encouragement whatsoever for the future," the state securities commission Friday morning at the state capitol directed Scott P. Stewart, executive secretary, to file action with the county attorney, charging the Koyle Mining company management with . . . Ordered by State Meantime, Dr. Pack was employed in a consulting capacity, to make a fair and thorough investigation of the physical condition existing at the mine, and as a result of which a report condemning the enterprise on the basis of its geologic and commercial features, was received Friday. At the conclusion of this report, Dr. Pack summarizes conditions at the mine in the following words: "In conclusion I desire to state that in my judgment the Koyle Mining property offers no encouragement whatsoever for the future. While its formations--adjacent to the great Wasatch fault--are intimately displaced fractured, yet evidences of commercial mineralization are wholly lacking. "The
ore' bodies recently discovered are shown by assays to be worthless. This is also true of the ore in the mill bins awaiting treatment. The building of a mill under such conditions is not only immature but involves the useless expenditure of both labor and money. In the main body of his report, Dr. Pack states that the workings consist primarily of a tunnel three-fifths of a mile in length, together with one principal drift which in turn gives rise to several minor drifts. Mineral Lacking The main drift leaves the tunnel at a distance of approximately 2,000 feet from its portal. Other workings have been put in higher up on the mountain. On the occasion of Dr. Pack's inspection he said his party was led through the mine by John H. Koyle, discoverer of the mine, Byron Grant, and several others. After a technical description of geological conditions, Dr. Pack reports that he has seldom "If ever seen a mining prospect that . . ." Dr. Pack says that while at the mine he heard Mr. Koyle and others make frequent reference to certain veins within the mine, but "the truth is, I did not find a single vein within the entire property. These so-called veins are usually either brecciated sones or masses of gouge on fault surfaces. The operators apparently did not make this distinction, in consequence of which they have repeatedly followed brecciated sones apparently in the hope of finding ore." Further in his statement Dr. Pack says that he requested Mr. Koyle to direct him to places where the highest values had been discovered. One sample was taken on a left side drift, called Sample No. 1, and another Sample No. 2 was taken from a right hand drift.
Low Grade Gold Found According to the information given Dr. Pack, low grade values in gold existed in both places from which sample were taken. On returning to Salt Lake Dr. Pack submitted these samples to several assayers after being ground and divided at the metallurgical laboratory at the University of Utah. None of these samples returned values greater than six cents a ton in gold according to one assaying firm, while another reported nothing to exceed 10 cents per ton in gold. In addition to the two samples numbered one and two, six additional sample were taken, making eight in all. The eighth sample, known as sample No. 8, was taken from the ore bin where Mr. Koyle said he knew the ore contained value. Sample No. 8, taken from the ore bin, showed 10 cents in gold to the ton in one report, and only a trace in another assay. Silver values are correspondingly low, running from a slight trace, to one-tenth of one ounce per ton. In no case, reports Dr. Pack, were the assayers informed as to the source of the ore, "or to my identity, or that the ore had been assayed by another firm." Mr. Grant wished to be present while the assays were being run, and was allowed this privilege in both cases. Mr. Stewart announced Friday afternoon that he will take the matter up with the county attorney for action. ------------------------
[73] So many of the charges against John Koyle and the mine were so far out of line that the Bishop and the stock holders had to make a rebuttal to them. The Deseret News refused to print their announcement, so they had to buy advertising space in the Salt Lake Telegram. It appeared as follows:
Dream Mine President Replies to Dr. Pack John H. Koyle Answers Statement of Frederick J. Pack
For a number of years, myself and friends have been laboring persistently to secure values at the Koyle Mine, or "Dream Mine," situated southeast of Spanish Fork. Since statements recently have been published by Dr. Frederick J. Pack that we have no present values nor any future prospects and have proceeded without having had any values, I am submitting the following reports. Assays made by Thomas E. Chatwin of Mammoth, Utah August to December, inclusive, 1931, representing several hundred assays, vary from $0.40 to $6.40 per ton in Gold. A chemical quantitative and qualitative analysis by H. Romeryn, Ph.D., on December 24, 1932, gives a return of $2.00 per ton in gold and declares the following metals to be present: Platinum, Rhodium, Osmium, Nickel, Arsenic, Antimony, Lead and Iron. Incidently, on the same date stated above, December 24, 1932, Junius J. Hayes of the University of Utah faculty reported that he had assayed samples collected by himself from the Koyle Mine and found gold to the extent of $1.70 and $0.80 per ton. These assays closely ally with one another. The following assays from various assayers in the city are still more of a definite informative nature. All samples were collected with the view of getting a fair return of the ore then being mined in the various drifts of the Koyle Mine. Crismon & Nichols, Sept. 6, 1932, returned $1.40 per ton in gold. Alonso P. Bardwell, Sept. 26, 1932, returned $6.89 per ton in gold. Black & Deason, April 22, 1932, returned $40.80 per ton in gold. The officials of the Koyle Mining Company, always wishing to get at definite facts, have spared no efforts in getting at true results. respecting this fact, they had a series of samples submitted to the Assay Office of the United States at Salt Lake City, Utah, which rendered the following dates and returns: Sept. 19, 1932, $22.40 and $64.00 per ton in gold; Oct. 1, 1932, $17.60 per ton in gold; Oct. 7, 1932, $0.80, $1.20, $2.00 per ton in gold. Byron E. Grant working at the Koyle Mining Company's assay office during the months of October, November and December, made upward of a thousand assays, showing returns of from a trace to $444 per ton in gold. A more careful analysis of these many assay slips shows several returns over $100 per ton, while the great majority of the assay slips show returns of from $2 and $3 up to $30. Such figures as $20.00, $16.80, $4.80, $2.60, $12.00, $13.80 and $5.60 present themselves bluntly while thumbing this large collection of assay slips bearing the signature of Byron E. Grant.
[74] Report of John M. Bestelmeyer of June 6, 1933: "On May 30th, 1933, at the request of interested parties and for certain definite reasons, and with the assistance of Mr. D. W. Jeffs, manager of the Utah Gold Co., we visited the Koyle Mining Company, situated at the base of the Wasatch range, easterly of Salem, Utah, to sample certain faces within the workings of the mine, for the purpose of definitely proving any gold values that might be obtained by direct amalgamation--and to determine as nearly as possible the value, if any, in ounces of gold per ton. All samples taken were properly numbered, dated and designated as to position, width of vein, with all faces properly cleaned of loose material, grooved and channeled, at regular predetermined distances, with due regard to the width of sample taken, to gain as near as humanly possible a result of ACTUAL VALUE, without fear or favor to anyone concerned. "Sample No. 139 returns values of $15.90 per ton in gold; Sample No. 140 $17.00; Sample No. 141, $44.00; Sample No. 142, $21.60; Sample No. 143, $22.00; Sample No. 144, $5.50; Sample No. 145, $15.00; Sample No. 146, $14.80 and Sample No. 147, $9.10. "As you know, these samples were taken to Salt Lake, to be pulverized to the required mesh, and on June 4th were amalgamated by Mr. Fred Thompson, in our presence, afterwards sealing the gold in glass vials. I personally weighed the gold, with the results as tabulated. "It might be well to state that no attempt is made here to go into locations, history, development, ore exposures, topographical or geological features, other than to state that all work, past, present and future plans, is carried on in a businesslike, minerlike manner, and is impressive, of good judgment, vision, personality and determination of Mr. Koyle."
While the report of Dr. Frederick J. Pack states the complete absence of "ore," the above report of Mr. Bestelmeyer proves ore of a commercial value to be present. Both men are competent in their respective fields. Mr. Bestelmeyer is a mining man of tried integrity and long experience, while Dr. Pack is a teacher of geology. It seems Koyle Mining Company accepts the report of Mr. Bestelmeyer, since his report was made from a nonpartisan, unbiased standpoint and free from any exterior intimidating influence. Dr. Pack, representing the State of Utah, took one set of eight samples from the Koyle Mining Company, and from a return of these samples draws the conclusion that the Koyle Mine "offers no hope for the future." The Koyle Mining Company wishes to take the liberty to state that such a method of procedure is entirely unfair, unscientific, and unsatisfactory to our company. Due to the fluctuating nature of the ore, varying from a few dollars one day to several hundred dollars on another day, as proved by careful daily assays made by the company, any one sample taken on any specific day could neither condemn nor justify the mine. Supposing Dr. Pack and his party should have visited the Koyle Mine on a day when the company assayer surrendered returns of $444.00 as was done on Nov. 9, 1933, what would have been the nature of his report?
[75] The following letter received by Mr. John M. Koyle: Provo, Utah, Sept. 20, 1933. Mr. John M. Koyle, Spanish Fork, Utah. Dear Friend Koyle: I was very much impressed today on my brief visit to your gold mill and especially so in the clean appearance and workmanlike manner in which your instructions are carried out. I take this means of expressing to you my desire to help you in any manner possible, for I fully realize the pressure and strain that you labor under from day to day. In retrospection I can see Uncle Jesse Knight, a man of vision, struggling with poverty to find the Humbug mine and later the famous Iron Blossom Channel. I see John Bestelmeyer, the Pioneer of East Tintic, ridiculed as a visionary Dutchman, and I see F. J. Raddats and his now famous goat ranch striving to convince the people of Utah of the hidden wealth at their very doorstep. And now for a few opinions formed during 25 years of active mining, the first of which is that geology does not make a mine (in the State of Utah). The Mercur district, the Silver Reef and the Copper deposit at the Big Indian in San Juan County, as types are geological impossibilities and yet they do occur. If the metal production of the world depended upon the ability of the geologist and mining engineer, the major part of civilization would still be wearing breech clouts, living in log huts and getting their daily existence with bow and arrow. As a matter of fact, time, natural disintegration, erosion, and Old Man Dig More are the principal factors surrounding every mining camp discovered up to date. The geologist is persistently put upon the defensive for the simple reason that Mother Nature writes upon the vaults of her hidden riches a message in a language unknown to those scholarly, book-reading, so-called engineers. I maintain that a prospector with a jackass for a partner will find more ore in place in a given length of time than all the geologists in Salt Lake City. For many years prior to the coming of E. J. Raddats into the East Tintic district I had personally guided engineers, geologists, mining experts and doodle-bug artists over the large outcrops in the vicinity of the Tintic Standard Mine, only to have again and again their theoretical arguments on weak mineralization, cold solutions, detrimental faulting and other poppy-cock stock in trade. Years later it was my luck to stand beside a reputable engineer connected with a large mining and smelting company and hear this man condemn the mine; and yet he stood with feet firmly placed on ore that later paid millions in dividends. I distinctly heard him ridicule the ore in sight as worthless sulphide, filled with a few white specks. Knowing this and much more, I want to pass on this thought to you; Keep up the good work and the day will surely come when your faith and hopes will be fully realized. With the best of wishes in all, I remain, sincerely, John M. Bestelmeyer. 284 East 4th North, Provo, Utah
I, John H. Koyle, hereby declare that all the above samples were taken from the Koyle Mine; that their statements are true; that we have had values and have them at the present time. (Signed) John H. Koyle THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 24, 1933.
[76] Executive secretary of the State Securities Commission, Scott P. Stewart, on two occasions brought executives of the Dream Mine before the court on charges of fraud. Both times they were released without sufficient evidence. Scott had been a highly paid patient surveyor for the Dream Mine, but now he became their opponent. The prime witness against the mine was a woman who declared that she didn't want money back for the stock; she only wanted the mine to turn out. This was not sufficient evidence of a fraud.
Then the State denied Koyle a license to sell stock. Normally this would shut down a mining operation, because without the sale of stock there would be no source of income for the workers or maintenance of the mine. But the Lord didn't intend for the work to stop then, so Koyle told the Board of Directors to issue him 50,000 shares of special stock as payment for contract labor. This was to be in his own name as personal stock. The Bishop would then personally hire workers for the mine. Since there was no law against a man selling his own stock, the Dream Mine continued to operate.
The Federal Securities and Exchange Commission soon entered the arena in opposition to the mine. They somehow obtained a list of stockholders and sent them a long list of questions, trying to obtain some complaining witnesses who would help them press charges of fraud against the mine. The Commission tried every avenue to uncover evidence that might be used in court to have the mine legally shut down. After a close examination of income and labor used in the mining operation, it was found that sufficient work had been performed to account for the money taken in through the sale of stock. So the charges of fraud had to be dropped. It has been said that at one time 17 deputy marshalls were hunting for John Koyle.
[77] Thus, the Church, the State, and the Nation had combined to oppose Bishop Koyle and the mine. But there must needs be opposition, because when men make such judgments, they are judging themselves. Thus when the Church, the State, and the Nation combine in rejecting Bishop Koyle's revelation from God, then it becomes apparent that they are not in harmony with God. In such a condition, God can bring about His judgments.
Thus, in spite of the opposition that brought about public censure, stopping all work on the mine, the losing of claims and the loss of his office in the Church, Bishop Koyle had been warned by the Lord to prepare for just such trials. This opposition only proved to give new strength to the Bishop. His prophecies were fulfilled, his mining claims were saved in a miraculous manner, and his name was gaining new respect from the most spiritual men in the Church. It was clearly evident that the Lord was sustaining him and his mission at the mine.
John and his family lived through a generation of scoffing and ridicule--not just from the common street prattle, but from prominent church and business men. His children suffered insults and derision all their life. Although he endured this constant barrage of indignities, he bore it meekly, and persistently continued with his work, as though they were only minor squalls to be expected on the sea of life. "For Jesus Himself testified, that a prophet hath no honor in his own country." (John 4:44)
The next chapter will discuss the reopening of the mine, after being closed for six years, by the same power that had closed it--thus fulfilling another of Bishop John Koyle's prophecies.
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