2002-9-14 04:22:00
My Friends,
This has been another difficult week time wise. My business has taken almost every free moment.
I am working on Chapter 11 and hope to post it by Sunday.
I'm glad to see that the list is keeping busy with interesting dialog. We are reaching an important point as a group and that is you are teaching each other as never before and bring up your own questions and explorations - while at the same time refusing to wander off into impractical and inapplicable topics. I compliment John C for his impetus in driving the current dialog.
Melva writes:
It seems to me that people with dementia or Alzheimer's may be at that threshold. I have the opportunity to be around many people who suffer from the dementia/Alzheimer debility and generally speaking they are not talking about Love and Light. These people may have had a strong faith in their right minds, but now they are: paranoid, suspicious, uncooperative, mocking, and emotionally stuck. It almost seems like their minds have deteriorated and all that is left is the Dweller state. It is not possible to reason with most of them. (A very challenging situation.)
John C and Mindy gave some very appropriate comments on this. Let me just add this.
As John and Mindy indicated the diseased state of mind is not a confrontation with the Dweller. Also the seeing of an evil or strange spirit is not; neither is a typical possession. All these happenings are merely a part of the creation of the final Dweller that is faced at the threshold.
When the Dweller is faced, the attack is quick and powerful and has nothing to do with disease. The disciple, if he is not distracted, can overcome (at least temporarily) the Dweller quickly and enter into the presence as did Joseph Smith. If he is distracted, it can take years or even lifetimes. Moses, for instance, first contacted his Dweller in Egypt when he received a revelation that he was a Hebrew. It was forty years later before he applied the principle of attrition successfully enough to enter into the presence.
Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness negating His personal Dweller.
The writings about Buddha indicate that he overcame it with little effort, but history leaves out many of his struggles with it (lasting years) before the final defeat.
Many other disciples have dealt with the Dweller and have not written the story. It would be interesting to know how Djwhal Khul handled his confrontation.
If the Dweller is confronted and the disciple passes quickly to the Angel of the Presence, because he is not distracted, then the body of the Dweller may remain intact and come to life again later in his life or in another life. Only when the astral body of the Dweller is completely destroyed will he be gone forever. This astral body of the Dweller is only destroyed completely by the continued attrition of the disciple placing his full attention on the spiritual work to be done, forgetting completely the cares of his lower self.
The disciple should not be fearful or concerned about his final meeting of the Dweller for this will just add more power to its life force when he is confronted. Going forward in the light without fear with full attention on the next step of the path is always the safest route.
He who is the SOUND and sounding forth knows not disease, knows not the hand of death. DK
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved