1999-1-26 01:33:00
As we move from one age to another both sides of the spiritual spectrum are tempted, and usually succumb, to the line of least resistance which is the energies of the old age rather than the new.
In relation to this Glenys made and interesting and honest statement:
"Even so, I have still managed to think about JJ's question a little. I have to admit to looking at the two lists for Pisces and Aquarius and thinking that if I had to choose, the Pisces list was more attractive. That told me that I was either still locked into Piscean energy a little or didn't really understand the energies of Aquarius."
Actually the answer for most of us is a little of both. The energies of the old age pull strong at us as if they are in a life and death struggle for our attention, and the energies of the new age seem to be the evil rather than the good for many because they are not seen in the light of day.
Let us take a look at the introduction of the energies of Pisces through Jesus and the early Christians.
Did the world accept the idea of personal sacrifice for something higher than self?
No. They wanted to continue to sacrifice animals, objects and things other than self and ego.
Did they accept the idea of love manifest through sacrifice?
No. To the people of that time love was the idea of possession and if the woman loved her husband she became a useful possession. If you loved God you became an obedient possession for God and sacrificed anything but self for Him.
Did the people accept the ideal that man can become a perfect Son of God?
No. To the Romans that was blasphemous to Caesar and to the religious leaders of the time this idea was blasphemy to god himself.
Now remember that Jesus did not come at the very beginning of Pisces, but after the shift in inner energies had already occurred and still the people resisted.
Over 99 per cent of the people wanted to keep attention focused on the Age of Aries and persecuted and threw to the lions those who represented the New Age of that time.
Now that the Age of Pisces is passing do we drop the lessons learned of sacrifice, love and idealism?
Instead we take the lessons learned from that age and incorporate the best of them into our psyche, but we shift our attention to the new energies. If we correctly shift our attention then the energies of the old age will manifest correctly and naturally without our even thinking about it. But if we try to keep our main focus of attention on the old energies we will find that there will appear a resistance to the soul, and the true energies of sacrifice, love and idealism will become corrupted, just as the old energies did with the Romans and religious leaders when they corrupted the good from Aries as they resisted Pisces.
The new energies of Aquarius are:
Service - the Prime key word
Now service probably sounds acceptable to most of you, but law and business probably sounds suspect, but trust me on this. When we are finished talking about these many of you will receive soul confirmation.
We haven't received many comments so far, but Glenys gave a good one:
"This was a little hard to swallow for me at first. I work as a Regulatory Affairs Manager for a professional organization and deal with the law every day. In fact, I administer a small segment of it for the entire country. So I see more than most how we are strong on Law and weak on Justice in Western countries and the fact that the Law protects the criminal is a common topic of conversation amongst my colleagues and I.
"However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the Law had become like that because the primary principles on which it was founded had either been forgotten or in more recent times, never known. An example of the first, is the fact that very often justice has given way to expediency or spurious notions of civil liberties. I think also there are bigger laws that have never been accepted by mankind and if they had they would have become enshrined in our civil and criminal law. I'm talking about cosmic, universal and planetary laws. I think that these Laws, such as the Law of Love, the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Karma, the Law of Free Will etc will be accepted by Society during the Age of Aquarius and they will be reflected in our human laws which will be the better for it (As Above, So Below).
"So I'm beginning to see how Service, Law and Business can work together to create a better Society, with each component being a reflection of the other and the whole being so much more than the sum of the parts. I'm also beginning to see how 'worldly' endeavors such as Business and the Law are spiritual activities if practiced with the right attitude. In fact, anything that lifts mankind up to live a better life is spiritual and any attempt to think otherwise amounts to limited thinking."
Let us start with examining service as it applies to Aquarius first. Now service has always been an item in the spiritual teachings of the race, but the difference in Aquarius is that the major emphasis of all the new teachings will circle around it whereas in past ages the word service circled around something else.
In the age of Taurus the idea of service was to one of many gods, one of many tribes or families. In the age of Aries service was toward the One God, the one king or the one religion. Then in the Age of Pisces the idea was service through sacrifice with no material reward. The only thing you got from it was the Love of God and your fellow man. This was exemplified by the teaching of Jesus of "going the extra mile" whether you got anything out of it or not.
Question: How is service going to have a different focus of attention in Aquarius than Pisces?
Hint: Service in the new age will be seen in the light of the LAW of cause and effect and karma, and BUSINESS is the launching pad of the new vision. Opportunity My friends. I see that many of you seem to be having more difficulties than usual at this time and this is to be expected because the time has arrived to present to you an opportunity for service. With an opportunity for service also comes an increase of negative force that will try and discourage you from taking the next step.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved