2002-8-24 07:29:00
In Keysters J J Dewey wrote:
The Buddha may or may not be an Angel of the Presence to Mara in a future round. Because he will have neutralized (or balanced) karma in the three worlds this will not be a necessity, but a choice.
Thanks for that, JJ, but I am still a little confused.
It is said that Gautama entered the final Nirvana after his teaching ministry on earth was concluded.
Nirvana means 'snuffing out' (of karma and so also of the separate self).
Therefore how could the Buddha Gautama continue to exist as an Angel of the Presence or any other indivualized being at some future time?
Thanks for clarifying me.
In the whole scheme of things, there is no such thing as a final anything.
Below I am giving some quotes from the Master DK about Buddha (Of which I am sure Ben is familiar). Let me ask the group to read them and answer the following:
(1) Does it sound like his work on earth was concluded with his enlightenment thousands of years ago?
(2) Does it sound like he has completely merged with oneness to the extent that he does not operate as an individual entity?
(3) Does it sound like he still has progress to make in his spiritual evolution?
the Buddha, the perfect initiate, having reached illumination but not yet having developed to perfection all the attributes of divinity;
Souls on the wisdom aspect of the second ray go to Shamballa and join the great Council in some capacity or another. Such a one was the Buddha.
On a lower turn of the spiral, you will note that the Wesak Festival enacts a similar invocation and process. It is a re-enacting and training process. There and at that time, the three Representatives of Shamballa within the Hierarchy-the Manu, the Christ and the Mahachohan-invoke the Buddha, Who in His turn is the transmitter of still higher Forces. He is invoked by a special mantram and transmits the appeal to the One Whose agent He is.
2. The Buddha, the Illumined One, the Revealer of the light and the wisdom which come to us from sources far greater than our planetary Life, a Messenger of the Gods.
It is this which is engaging the attention of the Hierarchy at this time. For aiding in this endeavour the Buddha is preparing Himself and for this the Christ stands ready, focussing in Himself the desire of Humanity for that "life more abundantly" which He promised when here before, and for liberation from evil and admission into good.
This relationship can be established at the time of the May Full Moon at which time the Buddha will embody in Himself the powerful downpouring of energy-the dynamic energy of the divine will.
Today the Christ and the Buddha wait until the hour strikes. Then Their united effort, plus the invocative appeal of all who truly know and truly love, will bring humanity the new revelation for which they wait.
The organiser of these Forces at this time is the Buddha.
But-as you may well have surmised-it is the Full Moon of June which is (this year) the season of prime and outstanding importance; it is in many ways easier for Western believers and esotericists to tune in and participate in the activities of the Hierarchy when closely connected with the Christ than it is in those related to the Buddha. The main intention in these early stages of keeping the Eastern Festival of Wesak is to familiarise the Western world with the fact of the presence of the Buddha and with His activities in connection with humanity. Such great progress has, however, taken place in the spiritual development of humanity that the Buddha need no longer continue with His task unless He so desires-and then only for a period of years, known to Him and the Lord of the World.
The Buddha will send two trained disciples to reform Buddhism
A true Master of the Wisdom has not only taken the lesser initiations referred to above, but has also taken the five steps involved in the conscious control of the five planes of human evolution. It remains for him then to take the two final initiations which make him a Chohan of the sixth degree, and a Buddha, before that control is extended to the remaining two planes of the solar system. It is obvious, therefore, that it is correct to speak of the seven initiations,
The Buddha hovers over the planet, ready to play His part if the opportunity is offered to Him by mankind. Everything now depends upon the right action of the men of goodwill.
Then the Buddha and the Christ will together pass before the Father, the Lord of the World, will together see the glory of the Lord and eventually pass to higher service of a nature and a calibre unknown to us.
Actually the work of the Buddha for humanity is nearly over, and His long alliance with the race of men has nearly come to an end. The moment that the appearance of the Christ is an accomplished fact, and the rule of right human relations is beginning definitely to condition human living, then the Buddha will pass to the work which awaits Him. One of the senior disciples of the Christ, ranking next to the Christ in hierarchical status, [Page 97] will take His place and carry on the work, connected with mankind. By the time this particular Master takes over His task, the intelligent principle or knowledge, which is the outstanding characteristic of humanity, will have been to a large extent transmuted into wisdom by the world intelligentsia, though not as yet by the masses of men. Wisdom is the predominant characteristic of the Buddha and the momentum of this wisdom energy will eventually be so strong that it will need no further distribution or control by the Buddha. He can then re-orient Himself to higher spheres of activity where His true work lies, and begin to work with an aspect of wisdom of which we know nothing but of which both knowledge and wisdom have been expressing themselves through the Christ and the Buddha; later, through the cooperation of the Avatar of Synthesis, Christ will be able to blend within Himself both of these major divine energies, and thus be a pure expression of love and wisdom, of right relationship and intuitive understanding.
It concerns that which He has to surmount and many of the problems which face the occultist, including the "sin of the mindless," the failure in Atlantean days, and even that mysterious "failure" of the Buddha (which has a planetary significance only hinted at in the Secret Doctrine) can be traced back to the condition of the deva substance of which the astral body of our planet, and the astral bodies of all forms are formed.
You will note that the Buddha focusses in Himself the downpouring forces, whilst the Christ focusses in Himself the outgoing demand and the spiritual aspirations of the entire planet.
Over the Temple upon the mental plane, the Buddha presides and there will consummate His unfinished work. Over the Temple upon the plane of sentient feeling and of loving aspiration, the Christ presides, for this is the Temple of the most difficult initiatory processes.
The Buddha has a special function at this time as an interplanetary mediator, and in this capacity (at the coming May Festivals) He will attempt to bring certain Spiritual Beings into touch with our earth Hierarchy. They have expressed Themselves as willing to aid in the present crisis.
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved