The Future of the Dweller

2002-8-24 02:52:00

Ben writes:
Is there an esoteric Gospel of Buddha?

Some teachers have said that one exists, but it is not available for public view.

Okay, I need to fully comprehend this.

So Mara was Gautama's self or personal dweller, which he clearly overcame, and so from your previous account we may take it that Gautama would not be bothered again by his Mara in this solar system.

So at what level between the exalted state of Buddhahood and the next could Gautama expect to be confronted by the reincarnated Mara on the ascending spiral? And what kind of additional attainment in consciousness would he need to overcome Mara in the next round?

Thanks for clarifying.

The next meeting would not be one of confrontation. The Dweller will eventually pass through the human kingdom and receive spiritual assistance from the lives he previously tried to destroy or torment. They will be his Angel of the Presence. He will then have his own dweller to face.

The Buddha may or may not be an Angel of the Presence to Mara in a future round. Because he will have neutralized (or balanced) karma in the three worlds this will not be a necessity, but a choice.

Without Love there is no creation -Helena Roerich