2002-8-16 00:22:00
I'm continuing to enjoy your search for the key words. Even if you do not get the one you are looking for this does not mean that you have failed by any means for there are many angles of approach to a New Vision. When each of you presents your reasons for your choice, I can see that you have seen a piece of the elephant and have obtained a valuable piece of the puzzle. Hopefully when the key word is presented and explained you will see where your piece fits in.
Melva writes: What flashed in my mind when I read that was a conversation I had with Mindy the other day: soul = solar (soular) = solar logos. The two words sounded so familiar to me: soul and solar. Maybe someone has mentioned this before on the list.
Sadly, I am not able to synthesize this thought into anything of import. It is just a spontaneous flash in the brain pan.
Good thinking. The play on words that truth has is usually not accidental but a form of synchronicity. The solar angels which commune with us when soul contact is achieved are indeed emanations from the Solar Logos. They are beings who were under a planetary Logos in a past solar system but have moved upwards in the process of higher evolution.
Astute observations John K.
Since I'll soon be posting the Key word for overcoming negative attack in the next chapter, I'll give an additional hint.
I told you that one of John from Austin's posts had the key word. The Key word is in one of the quotes he included.
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved