2002-8-12 19:22:00
Catherine writes:
I know about the 'inner voice" bit but what about honesty? and bravery to admitting the truth about these meetings? As I read the book I sensed great truth in it but the fictional inputs or innuendoes of fiction are bothering me. What if this is like Urantia, sounds good but a bunch of bunk.
First of all this is nothing like Urantia because Urantia is presented as line by line revelation from God.
The Immortal is presented as fiction with the caveat that the story is a combination of true events mixed with fiction.
In addition to this, I have posted in the archives over 1700 articles presenting the truth from the highest vision that I can ascertain. There is not one lie in anything I have written. It is part of my personal code not to lie, even in difficult situations.
Fiction is not a lie unless the fiction is represented as being the truth. If this is not so then than all writers from Homer to Steven King are liars. This would include Jesus who told parables, but told us the real meaning was "hidden."
I have written quite a bit on this before.
Below are some quotes from my past writings.
I do not reveal which parts of the book are fact or fiction. It is best that people not have some outward authority determine their sense of truth but that they should look to the Spirit within.
It has been said that there are those who seek to expose me as a fraud. This will be difficult to do.
Why? Because I make no claims - even my book is published as fiction.
If I were to make any claim, it is this. It is possible to know the truth, especially principles that reveal truth and this is through reflecting the material off your own soul. You must not trust me or anyone else until you do this and prove to yourself that a teacher or teaching is leading you the right direction.
It is interesting that many "inspired" books and teachings that are based on fiction are presented as true, yet mine is presented as fiction and I'm sure contains more true teachings than most.
For the sake of discussion, let us just say that Annalee claimed to be translated when she was not. This is not comparable to my writing a book which I present clearly as a combination of truth and fiction.
Instead it would be comparable to me teaching a falsehood to this group as being true and knowing that such a thing is not true. It would be comparable to me saying that John is living with us in our spare bedroom and telling me what to write each evening when he is not.
I do believe that this may be the first book written and published as fictionalized that is so believable that some of the readers actually complain that that I did something wrong in making it sound too true. Where is there another book published as fiction where the author is accused of promoting a lie?
I have said many times that the book is a combination of truth and fiction as far as the story goes. Thus I could only be lying if it was 100% true or 100% false. If it is really a combination of fact and fiction then I am telling the truth.
I have indeed created a mystery, but creating a mystery through a work of fiction is no more sin than the Blair Witch Project is.
The scriptures declare: "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs25:2 I do conceal some things, but if it is indeed the glory of God to do such a thing then I am in good company. It is the honour of kings (and the Keysters) to search out the matter. There are more clues in the book than you realize.
In the past, some disciples have failed in their missions because they bored their students into oblivion. Thus the value of a work of fiction that creates a mystery, for everyone is attracted to a good mystery.
Whether you think I am right or wrong in the way the book is written and promoted (with part of the true facts concealed) we must admit that this list and this gathering we have here would not even exist without The Immortal.
Let me add this. If I did not make it clear that this is a fictionalized book the sales would be much greater than they are. If I were a true deceiver I could have much more gain by promoting it as non fiction. When the bookstores ask me the category of the book and I say fiction they will often refuse to carry it and instead stock their shelves with many other books that claim to be nonfiction but are fiction. The booksellers tell me that there is a big surplus of New Age fiction books and most of them sell very poorly. All I would have to do is change the category of my book and signing up booksellers would be much easier.
I do believe though that when the book gets a little more exposure that the sales will come no matter what the category.
A work presented as fiction that creates a mystery I maintain is not a lie.
Moses took a walk one day and was never seen again. His body was never found and many of his followers believed he was translated as was Enoch. Let us assume, as the scriptures indicate, that he was translated. Was Moses being a deceptive liar by not explaining to the Israelites what really happened? Just before or after the translation he could have ended the whole mystery by revealing the whole story, but he did not. He emulated the glory of God and concealed some of the facts while at the same time all that he presented as truth was true to he best of his knowledge.
My teachings to the fine people on this list are not presented as fiction but truth from the highest vision I can ascertain. Never once have I taken anything from the book that is part of the mystery and presented it as true or used it as a lever to obtain authority. We are entering an age where the final authority within ourselves must finally be exalted upon the throne of truth and I will declare that in all my teachings to you, which is equivalent to about a half dozen Immortal books, there is only the truth as I understand it.
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved