1999-1-23 02:14:00
You might catch me banging my head on my keyboard or the wall, but it's not because of you guys, but my own silly mistakes.
The second key word for Pisces has been discovered. That word is love. Congratulations Rob and Dave (and maybe others).
Why you may ask was not Love the major word? It is true that it is one of the three major aspects of God (Light, Love and Power), but it was not the major emphasis of Pisces. The major word for Pisces was sacrifice and from sacrifice came a greater comprehension of Love.
The second minor key word for Aquarius has not yet been stated. Science and technology will definitely be a strong influence. Even greater will be the seeking after peace and spirituality.
Hint: That which had a rough beginning and is thought to be the root of many evils will turn into a great spiritual force to change the earth for good. The closest guess was money, but this creates money and moves it around. What is it?
No one has yet confirmed the first minor key for Aquarius mentioned by Garrett.
Thus we have
Garrett's word
The force that moves money.
We shall discuss more on these later so the light in them can be seen by all.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved