2002-8-2 14:11:00
Thomas More had numerous Christian Heretics burned at the stake, hardly the work of a Master. He had a fine mind and was definitely searching for the Path. Some of his mistakes are explained by the thoughtform of the day but a Master would rise above torturing and killing of those with whom he disagrees. He did redeem himself to some extent when he was executed for standing on principle at the end of his life.
If a Master were to fall into such error within an incarnation, he would have to spend several lives as a mere mortal to redeem himself.
What about Brother Paul? I believe he was called "a Disciple". Hard to believe even a Disciple would go around persecuting the saints.
The difference was that Paul was extremely remorseful for his misdeeds and completely changed his behavior and thought. . Thomas More never gave any indication that he was sorry for what he did. He really believed to the end that the heretics deserved the flames, and some of these heretics were great souls who gave their lives to make way for civilization's next step upon the path.
He ordered house to house searches for heretics and burned every book or writing that seemed questionable
More went so far as to keep torture equipment in his own home to ensure he could "persuade" heretics to recant their beliefs without delay. He was so eager to torture and kill that he broke his own laws to insure justice was done.
I would suspect that some of the heretics he put to death or tortured are more likely to be Masters today he is.
The sad part is that More was made a Saint by the Catholic Church for defending the faith.
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