2002-7-31 04:17:00
My Friends,
I am posting another Chapter of Return of the Dove.
This is a good book to critically analyze for there were only a few copies printed and there are not many followers to offend by any disbelief offered.
You will notice as you read through the book that the author makes a number of predictions that have not come true. In chapter one, we saw that she predicted a great transformation by 1975. She said this was 19 years in her future, which means she made the prediction in 1956. Now some people who would compare 1956 with 1975 would say that there was quite a transformation in that period, even though it was not exactly like she described.
It is easy to read this book and write it off because of untrue predictions yet many of the same people will support, with great vigor, books predicting great transformation 19 years in our future, which would bring us to 2021.
If we were to make a similar prediction today, it is quite possible the people of 2021 would smile at our illusion.
This book and others illustrates the difficulty in making specific predictions. Even people using the words of Jesus and the prophets have an accuracy rate of close to zero in using them as a base for predictions.
Nostradamus wrote with such ambiguity that all major events seem to be in his writings after the fact, but none can read and make an accurate prediction before the event.
The same goes for many other prophets both inspired and charlatans. Even the good ones are lucky to be accurate half the time.
Consider Djwhal Khul, a master who made some stunning predictions that came true, also made some that missed the mark.
Joseph Smith made some stunningly accurate predictions, but also missed on some.
Edgar Cayce, a very famous predictor missed more than he hit the mark.
Because I understand the factor of free will and the malleability of the future I am very careful about making predictions.
I have only made a few and so far they have all been accurate, but I'm bound to miss sooner or later.
The last accurate one I made was that the threatening asteroid that seemed to be on a collision course would shortly be discovered to miss us "by a safe margin."
It was announced just yesterday that this was the case.
I did not need prophetic abilities to make this prediction. I was just relying on the knowledge I have that the Great Lord has commanded the Lords of Karma to protect the earth until a 144,000 have the name of God sealed in their foreheads.
Concerning the book (Return of the Dove), I believe the author did not write it as fiction but seriously wrote it as truth as she saw it.
Question: What do you think are five prime sources of her metaphysical and prophetic information for this book?
What is the main reason for her mistakes?
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved