1999-1-22 10:37:00
You may all pat yourself on the back as I can see that you have been racking your brains. Even though you have not all come up with key words many have come up with descriptive words of the ages that are quite fitting.
Let us start with Pisces. The major key word here is Sacrifice. Glenys and Samu got one of the minor words which is Idealism. Devotion is not the second minor for Pisces but is a companion word to Idealism.
Through illusion and glamour the Beast turns idealism and devotion into a negative thing, but after the appearance of the great Avatar, the Christ, the idealism and sacrifice of the early saints created a point in history that will forever inspire. It was only after the Beast corrupted idealism and sacrifice by taking the place of God that these two energies were used in a negative way. Even so, throughout the Piscean Age there have always been a few who have demonstrated the true qualities of these words.
The second minor key word has not been discovered. The closest guess is still kindness.
Hint: What did Jesus demonstrate for us with His ideal life and sacrifice?
Now let us look at the key words of Aquarius.
As we said the major key word is service. When some of you have written about this word it almost sounds as if you are talking about sacrifice instead.
Service as it applied to the age of Pisces was usually accompanied by sacrifice and this was always emphasized when teaching of spiritual values, but service in the age of Aquarius will have a different emphasis.
Since disciples were supposed to have absorbed the lessons of sacrifice during the past 2000-plus years the emphasis will also shift. The emphasis on service will revolve around Cause and Effect or Karma. Instant or more immediate Karma becomes the ideal.
In the Piscean Age disciples were taught that when they performed a sacrificial service that they would receive a reward of some kind, but to many the payback seemed far away or nebulous and they had to have faith that they would receive a better world in "heaven" or perhaps a future incarnation.
The eternal law is this: You cannot give or receive without eventually giving or receiving in return. Even if you do a small service like helping someone change a tire you receive a small credit and the time will come that some stranger will perform a small service for you.
Now some of you may have noticed that during the past 100 years and specially the past twenty the Law of Cause and Effect seems to be accelerating. That is people seem to get what is coming to them at a faster rate of return than was earlier the case. This is because of the power of incoming Aquarian energies.
Thus the new emphasis on service is not in the sacrifice direction where we do good deeds and get paid back in some far away future, but on the idea is that we serve and in just a short time we receive a recompense for our service.
Have you noticed that it is becoming common place that those who serve others with sacrifice are often taken advantage of to the extent that some almost loose their faith in God? Just the other day I read about a guy who picked up a hitchhiker and the guy stabbed him about thirty times.
People sacrifice and give to churches and most of the money goes to salaries rather than spiritual work.
Others give to a charity only to discover that 99% goes to useless administrators.
Others help the "down and out" over and over only to have these people become a leech on their lives with no intention of becoming self-reliant.
My point is that the people who were the ideal in the Age of Pisces are getting ripped of in Aquarius because they are not adapting to the new energies and these people are on both sides of the aisle, conservative and liberal.
The two minor words for Aquarius solidify the Law of Cause and Effect in relationship to service.
Tracy was very close on one of them when she said democracy. This is such an important aspect of Aquarius that it deserves to be one of the three words, but the essence of it is included in one of the key words. Even though we technically have a republic in the United States this and other nations will evolve toward a more pure democracy where more and more power will be given (or taken) by the people.
Hint: What is created in a democracy that insures freedom and justice for all?
The second key word is not what you expect and some will disagree with it until it is explained why this second word is strongly related to Aquarius.
Hint: We would not even be talking here on the Internet if it was not for the changes created by this word. You also would not have your computer without it.
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