New Approach

2002-7-15 06:36:00

My Friends,

We've had a record high week in temperatures in the Boise area reaching as high as 110 degrees. Kinda makes you feel like kicking back in the air conditioning and doing nothing. Hope most of you are a little cooler.

Anyway, I have been doing some thinking about the need to make progress on Book III. I have a start on it, but it has been going slow. When I wrote the first two books I thought I had it tough because I had a business to run that usually kept me busy 100+ hours a week, but the little time I had did make it possible to write the first two installments.

Now, that I am involved in the group, attempting to keep things moving forward the writing of Book III is much more difficult still. But I am now approaching a time that I must get it finished one way or another, so here's the plan.

I will write the book and post chapters as part of the lesson material. This will kill two birds with one stone. By posting installments I will not be leaving the group high and dry and with even my limited spare time I will also be able to get the next book written.

I suppose that since I finished book two and began writing for the Keys I have written about ten books worth of material. If I had concentrated on posting The Immortal series I could probably be about through with the project.

Posting the Immortal books is not a new idea to me. I thought of it before and did not go with it because of the drawbacks which are:

(1) It would hurt the sales of the books to have them released free on the internet.

(2) I would rather have readers read the finished product than a rough draft which may have some errors which could receive wide circulation.

(3) It was always part of the plan to write teachings in standard format as I have done in the Keys, so what I have done so far has been part of the necessary foundation.

Anyway, the time is at hand to seriously tackle Book III and I must take whatever chances necessary to get the job done.

I will post a chapter or part of a chapter every day or so depending on the questions and circumstances that arise in between, but instead of sending them to the Keys list where they would have a permanent location I will post them on my own web page and give you the various links. A short time after the book is finished I will then take it off the web page and publish the book and make it available on hard copy.

I will request that Larry not put these chapters in the archives for these shall be reserved for those who are members of the Keys. Hopefully this will also give more incentive for people to join us.

I anticipate that you will help me write the book, for knowing that I have instant readers and fairly immediate feedback helps keep up the incentive in writing. Often is the case that a writer does not have his material read for a year or so and this is why most writers have to work full time on a book, a luxury I do not have.

I will start posting the book shortly and look forward to our interaction.