1999-1-21 16:55:00
Yesterday's Question (First Part):
In addition to these there is a Trinity of key words for each age, one major and two minor. What are they?
Apparently I wasn't too clear on this question for the major key word for Pisces is Sacrifice and Aquarius is Service. Thus we are looking for the two minor words for each age and not three new ones.
Here are some of your guesses:
Pisces - Fear, control, violence, surrender, self, captivity, detachment, death, separateness, leadership, selflessness and kindness.
Aquarius: Love, cooperation, peace, selfless activity, service, unity, Companionship, Intuition, Advancement, organization, intent and awareness.
It is interesting that most of the words and descriptions of Pisces are negative, but keep this in mind. The lessons we learn in each age and the keynotes struck are overall a positive thing.
We have talked some about sacrifice and mentioned that it has a positive and negative side. On the positive we give up one thing that is dear to us to receive something else of even higher value.
On the negative side we sacrifice our free will to an authority who takes control of our finances and our lives and get nothing but illusion in return.
Those who make right use of sacrifice will make an easy transition into the service of the New Age, but those who are caught up in the glories of the past and sacrifice the possibilities of current joy to the authorities of the past will only enter the new age kicking and screaming.
So we are looking for the two minor key words for Pisces. A hint for the first was given by Dave when he said kindness. A hint for the second key word is revealed when you think back to our discussions about the solar plexus and the number 666. The word we are looking for is not authority which is a companion word to sacrifice.
The closest guess for a minor key word for Aquarius was organization. This word is very close, but it does not make a distinguishing difference between the energies of the two ages as there was quite a bit of organization created throughout the age of Pisces. The organizations in Aquarius will be different and this difference is beginning to be demonstrated.
Hint: What type of organization is doing more to change the world and take us into the new age than any other thing?
No one came close to the second key word. Hint: What one thing guarantees liberty and justice more than any other and is being fought out in the Clinton scandal?
Now we'll end by repeating yesterday's question which we will see in a different light when the key words are discovered.
How is service to become manifest in the Aquarian age and why are those who are still concentrating on sacrifice resisting it?
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved