2002-6-24 05:20:00
Gill writes:
Dino was asking about the Hierarchy, and this is an area about which I'm really unclear. I've looked at the DK's diagram of the Hierarchy, but only a few names were mentioned. I hear and read all sorts of names of entities who are supposed to be part of the Hierarchy - hundreds of people seem to "channel" The Archangel Michael, there is Lady Quan Yin, Ashtar, and then various entities like Kryon and Ramtha, who do not claim to be part of the Hierarchy. In the "Sedona" journal dozens of entities are channeled - are they part of the Hierarchy; if not, who are they? Confused? I think I am!! Any clarification gratefully received.
We may have lost a few members because of our move but we seem to be gaining dome good new posters.
Gill has posted several times then Dyanne has been very active, John in Austin, Turk, Dolly (fairly new), Ruth in America and last but not least our old friend Xavier is back where he belongs.
I haven't had time to welcome you all individually so let me do it now. Also a hearty welcome to any I may have overlooked and the lurkers who lend their support.
Now to answer Gill.
Just because someone claims to channel a great entity does not mean he really is doing so. As DK stated more than 90% of these communications are not from the Brotherhood of Light.
The only names one can be sure of (IMHO) are those revealed through the Bailey material or verified through your own personal communion with Higher Lives or soul contact.
The only member of the Hierarchy mentioned in your post would be the Archangel Michael who is one of the Kumaras under the Ancient of Days (The Planetary Logos). The Kumaras under the logos do not teach mankind directly, but work with the Christ and his Hierarchy and in turn they teach us as DK has. DK is one of the members of Christ's inner circle, or Molecule.
Djwhal Khul represented the Hierarchy in giving out foundation teachings for the new age. This was the major revelation of the 20th century. We are told that the next major revelation of esoteric teachings will be given out starting around 2025. These advanced esoteric teachings will be given out again by Djwhal Khul but through another agent besides Alice A. Bailey.
He calls the period we are in now as "revelatory." This is a period in which higher principles are revealed, understood and promoted. It is also a period to obtain greater insights and understanding of that which has already been revealed.
DK envisioned teaching and expounding esoteric philosophy through the media after 1975 and hoped that by now the teachings would have received much larger circulation. Disciples are behind schedule and we must make up for lost time over the next twenty years.
Concerning our current time he wrote:
"In the next century and early in the century an initiate will appear and will carry on this teaching. It will be under the same "impression," for my task is not yet completed and this series of bridging treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates has still another phase to run."
The need of the hierarchy right now is not to prepare for space aliens or to enter a fifth or fifteenth dimension, but to shed further light on what has already been revealed and add light on the understanding of principles. The Oneness Principle, for instance will be of extreme importance for seekers.
Lora asked me if I had an understanding of the Merkabah.
The Merkabah was an obscure concept presented in some Kabballa writings and made popular and expanded on by J J Hurtak in the Keys of Enoch.
His explanation of the Merkabah is very ambiguous but basically seems to be something like this.
The Merkaba is a vehicle of light created by the mind of God that connects the highest universe and lives with the lowest creation and lives.
Hurtak gives a lot of detailed information on the Merkabah using technical and obscure scientific terms and has given rise to much channeled information surfacing in recent times causing many to believe they are going to either ascend or go to some higher dimension on the Merkabah. So far 100% of the predictions concerning this type of thing have not transpired.
Even if the true Merkabah fits Hurtak's description, it does little good to go into endless details beyond the ability to prove or verify. This technical approach was more the method of the first solar system where the third Ray was perfected.
In this present solar system the goal is to develop consciousness more than knowledge of technical details.
Because form was perfected in the previous system and there is no need to reinvent the wheel. All knowledge of form and vehicles is already programmed within us and as we raise up our consciousness the latent programs will begin to run. There is no need to rewrite the program - it is already there waiting for us to press the button with our consciousness.
I therefore, do not attempt to teach (or even learn) the technical details of the Merkabah, but seek to understand and teach the principles of linking lower lives to higher lives. When the principle is understood and applied the science will take care of itself.
I will say this. There is much illusion floating around on this subject as well as the idea of activating DNA.
By the way the next full moon is today at 3:42 PM MST. This is a good time to meditate on higher contacts.
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved