Prophet or Profit?

2002-6-23 02:48:00

Dino Writes:

JJ, My name is Dino from Chicago. I was at the gathering in Texas last month. JJ Through your teaching and reading the Immortal series over again I have learned that discerning the light and dark is very difficult because the Dark Brothers steal popular teaching from the White Brotherhood and intertwine them with their own. So the difference between the two sides is so small that enlightened souls or aspiring souls can very easily fall into illusion. My question is about Elizabeth Claire Prophet "Is she an unknowing agent of the Dark Brotherhood or does she work for the White Brotherhood? A couple of things concern me about Prophet. 1)the constant use of the I am phrase verses I am becoming. 2)She uses the word Guardians for the Masters and in the Immortal you suggested that another name for the Dark Brotherhood is Guardians. 3)she pronounced her deceased husband as a Master.
It seems that her inspiration comes from a Master named St. Germain who is supposed to be the hierach of the Aquarian age. Is St. Germain the mystery wonderman of Europe a master of Light? I know that through soul contact that one is able to discern truth of the light and dark. However, even with soul contact it is still very difficult. Many of us on the list have not achieved soul contact at this present time. Perhaps you can elaborate on any other methods or key words to watch out for so some of us who are aspiring to be disciples don't fall into illusion with certain teachings. There will be times when people on the list will be reading many different types of material and I think the discernment of light and dark is and important subject to touch upon. Thank you,

Good to hear from you. I was glad you made it to the gathering.

Yes, the line between good and evil is very subtle because the dark side does not represent their true philosophy to the public or to most of their earthly representatives.

Instead they attempt to make people believe they are on the side of light and love.

Actually Djwhal Khul tells us that more than 90% of communications claiming to be inspired or from the Masters is delusion. From my studies I may say the figure may be higher than that.

I did not realize Ms. Prophet used the term "guardians" for the Masters. Interesting.

I'll give you a few of my thoughts with this caveat. The only infallible authority is your own soul, so realize I could be wrong and check with your inner self to the best of your ability.

The first thing to look for is the use of authority. Elizabeth Claire Prophet exerts strong authority over her group and has trained no one to replace her. Whenever I have talked to one of her followers they come across like Jehovah Witnesses unwilling to even listen to anything that may contradict Ms Prophet.

False prophesies: She has made numerous predictions which have not come true. She took her group to Montana to prepare for a disaster which did not occur, for instance.

The Masters are lining up to speak through her. A high disciple is fortunate to have one Master to work with him. They have better things to do than to stand in line to channel through any human teacher.

Contradictions. Djwhal Khul said he would not speak again to humanity until 2025, yet Elizabeth Claire Prophet claims he channels through her regularly.

Direct Voice. Elizabeth Claire Prophet channels through the process of direct voice which the masters do not use, with very rare exceptions. Instead the Masters use telepathy or the science of impression. A direct voice channel is evidence of the presence of an astral entity.

A true teacher will give out new principles. Elizabeth Claire Prophet's teachings are a rewording of teachings already in circulation. I have found nothing new in them. The masters do not like to repeat themselves.

Is money a motive? Elizabeth Claire Prophet lives pretty high and wears a fortune in jewelry at all times.

I do not think she is a dark magician or works consciously on the dark side, but because of self-deception she has been used by them.

There are several books on line about her. An informative one is located at:

You can find more information at:

(* These links are no longer valid as of 1/2003 .)