2002-6-21 05:37:00
Rick has asked for another installment of White Magic. I cannot refuse a request from such a sincere heart.
Here is a continuation of my lectures on White Magic. To catch up on this course go to:
Unfolding Soul
Question: Are you saying that there's soul contact through each one of the chakras, such as the solar plexus and the heart center?
JJ: Right, right. You have soul contact, or a reflection of soul contact, through every one of these chakras.
Audience: Is there consistency on the amount that they can be opened? For example, if the solar plexus is 50% open can the heart center above that be 55% open or is it necessarily in ascending?
JJ: Okay that's a good point. They all open slowly over a period of lifetimes and in no one lifetime are they all zapped open. In the average person the sacral center may be open 80%, the solar plexus may be open 70%, the heart center may be open about 40%. Well, that would be an above average person, really. But they all open in different degrees so one of them does not open completely before the next one opens up. So this average person, could be touched through his heart energies. If you talk about divine purpose, spiritual love, common sense, wisdom, he can relate to some degree but there are other energies he cannot relate to.
Audience: Ok then the heart center could be open theoretically 80% while the solar plexus center below it can be open 40%?
JJ: Generally you will not have a higher center open farther than a lower. They're like candles. A candle lights one next to it in a chain until all are alight. Two centers can be open really close to the same amount. The ones that open most simultaneously are the heart and the throat. Sometimes the throat may open a bit more than the heart but sometimes the heart will open faster. On this planet, humanity represents the throat center of the Earth. The Masters actually represent the heart because that's the intermediary between the higher and the lower. These two centers are very closely coordinated and sometimes the throat center will open faster than the heart center.
Audience: It's just that you see so many creative people who don't seem terribly concerned with their fellow man.
JJ: Yes, that's true and you do, like I say, I believe you do have the throat center opening up faster than the heart, quite often. On this planet, we had a Hierarchy here before there was humanity so I suppose that's why the heart center is often open before the throat. Humanity is the throat center but its quite possible humanity is unfolding at a faster rate on our sphere than the Masters are on their sphere.
Audience: I don't really understand. I read that for every one of the lower centers there is one above. If a person is stuck in their first chakra, that's the lowest, most predominant one that he uses, you'll have balancing energy in the highest chakra and this gives them a chance to progress.
JJ: You have corresponding chakras. The sacral center is the one that governs physical creation. The next corresponding chakra to it is the throat chakra. This governs a higher form of creation in the world of ideas. It's possible to take your sexual energy and transmit it and send it up and make yourself more creative. Or take the creative energy and lower the vibration down and you sacral center will be more stimulated, depending on where you want your energies to be. If you're a single person it's probably a good idea to raise your energies up here. The next step up in creativity centers is the one between the eyes. It's a higher correspondence still. This governs the world of ideas, intuition. This is where a person gets in contact with the world of ideas and brings the spirit down to the Earth. So this is an even higher correspondence of the throat center.
Audience: And it relates to which energy?
JJ: The center between the eyes.
Audience: And it relates to which higher energy center?
JJ: The throat, this is the higher correspondence to the sexual center and the third eye is the higher correspondent of the throat center. So we have the centers of creation of three different levels. For the highly evolved person, they may all be operating but there will always be one center where you will have your main attention. It seems these creative people don't pay much attention to the heart center and this is true for some. If they're a very creative artist their main attention will be on the throat energies. If a person's attention is on his heart he will be very altruistic and into service and helping mankind. If the prime attention is on the solar plexus, like most of the average people we know, whatever they desire for themselves is what they will want and will motivate them.
For them that's not bad because that's where they're learning their lessons. All these energies are a form of soul contact. When we look at sex we might ask if that's soul contact. Yes, sex is the first teacher of soul energies. It's interesting that in the Bible the word for sex is "know." "Adam knew Eve and begot Able." The key word is "know."
Wayne: That's the answer I usually get. - "no."
JJ: Wayne is the master of puns. This same word is used in the Bible where they say, "you'll have eternal life if you know God." Know here has the same meaning as the Old Testament word for sex. The reason the ancients use this word for sex was because during the moment of sexual climax, you have an interplay of God energies. So at that moment of the greatest ecstasy, so to speak, we have a knowing of the soul on a lower reflected level. When you receive the higher energies of the soul or the Baptism of Fire, you have a correspondence to that lower knowing that you had with sexual climax. It's a higher climax and the feeling is even more intense and refined.
Audience: What was that scripture again?
JJ: This is eternal life, you shall know Jesus Christ and God the Father. That's John 17:3 if I remember right. So this is a knowing and even sex is a form of reflected soul contact. It is the means whereby the soul introduces itself to humanity to give them an idea that they need to go higher. There is a form of this climax in every one of the centers and each one is higher than the one below it. When we reach the highest it's what we call the Baptism of Fire. There's probably no greater feeling to be felt upon this Earth, this (in its fullness) will greatly eclipse anything you've ever felt even in your highest moment on the lower knowing. The apostles had it when the fires appeared over their heads at the Pentecost, the ultimate Baptism of Fire. The only thing we can say is higher than that, for humanity, is a knowing between a Master and a disciple where the Master leaves His physical body that he's in and enters the body of the disciple and we have two entities in one body. The disciple will experience a knowing of the Master of extremely high intensity of vibrations and extremely high knowing. This will eclipse anything he's ever known before. Any questions on this before we proceed?
As the entity evolves, what happens is first of all, he begins in the instinctual world and picks up many of the psychic things through instinct without any understanding of them. This is through the first and second centers. Then later on he becomes psychic and he picks up many psychic impressions, maybe become a trans-medium, maybe be able to hold your hand and get impressions like that. This is through the solar plexus.
Many of the psychics are not particularly evolved people. If you meet some of them and try to talk about the philosophical concepts, they usually will not understand them. This is because they're operating from solar plexus energy. Then what happens, as he begins to develop some of his higher centers, is that the soul doesn't pay so much attention to the solar plexus anymore and withdraws itself and he loses all psychic abilities. For a period of time he's left to the unfoldment of the concrete mind. As the concrete mind unfolds, he learns to discriminate and learns to use his mind effectively. The only way he can learn to use his mind effectively is by withdrawal of all psychic powers. This is why, most of the atheists for instance, seem to be much more intelligent than the born again Christians and the psychics.
The typical atheist is a person who has withdrawn himself from the soul contact to a large degree and gone on to the development of the concrete mind. For a number of lifetimes he will be an extreme skeptic of everything. He can't believe anything unless you can prove it to him, unless it makes sense to his concrete mind. So he goes through quite a series of lifetimes with no psychic ability and either agnostic or atheistic, he's not open to anything. "If there's a God out there, prove it to me, show it to me." He says.
Audience: Which chakra center is the development of concrete mind involved with?
JJ: It involves a number of them, somewhat with the heart, the throat and the third eye. They will all be somewhat opened up or in the process of opening up.
Audience: I made a mistake. I had thought that the stages of development corresponded with the next chakra
JJ: The first stages do but this stage here corresponds to a period where these three charkas are not opened up but just in the process of infancy. It's just beginning to open up, he hasn't figured out how to use them. The attention is taken off the solar plexus so he loses his psychic abilities. He doesn't have any more psychic abilities and he doesn't even believe in them anymore. So he's left completely to himself to develop his mind. It has to happen. It's good and bad. Some people face the danger of leaving that spiritual development behind and becoming completely mental. If they don't go ahead in progression beyond the development of the mind, they get stuck. And they can be struck for quite a number of lifetimes in this mental sphere. But what happens with most people is that eventually they become dissatisfied with where the mind has led them. It only leads them so far and they keep hitting dead ends. They keep running into unsatisfactory solutions and they become frustrated.
Life after life they get more frustrated until they begin to ask themselves if there something more, what am I missing? They begin to search within themselves. Then as the third eye begins to open up, they get the higher development. They perceive the intuition and they get intuitive flashes and they begin to get their psychic abilities back. They begin to open up their third eye and this time, as the psychic abilities come back, they come back with understanding. This time when they get psychic impression they get an understanding. They're using, what DK calls, the "higher psychism." This comes to you with understanding because before a person can proceed to his next step in evolution he demands that he understands. He's no longer going to accept weird psychic impressions that he doesn't understand. He's developed the concrete mind, he has the understanding and knows what makes sense so he tests the intuition next.
Audience: Isn't it also that when the heart center opens with the mind developing the wisdom, the wisdom mixed with the psychic abilities allows you to understand
JJ: Yea, as he develops intuition, he must also keep unfolding the heart energies. So his mind eventually gets to be used with intuition and he gets to use this knowledge and give it out tempered by love. If it's not tempered by love then he's going to have a problem. A person becomes a black magician when he opens up his mind, develops the concrete mind and doesn't go higher. That's all he believes in. Sooner of later as the concrete mind begins to become developed, the soul will say okay it's time for him to go higher now and the soul tries to make contact. The man will feel it. If his mind is so developed or over-developed to the point that he thinks that soul impression does not make sense so he rejects it. So if he continues to reject it then the soul will finally give up and the man is cut off from his soul. The soul considers the creation that he had a failure and lets it go to disintegrate over a period of lifetimes
In the process of disintegration he becomes a black magician. He's only concerned with the mind and lower desire. Nothing is tempered by love, wisdom or higher intelligence. It's all for self because that's all that makes sense to the concrete mind. If a person was left entirely to the concrete mind, (after all why do something for someone else?) he divorces himself from soul. If he's left entirely to the mind, he will, go with what the mind will deduce.
So we always reach that point to where we have to go higher. The soul will try to make a contact with us but we have the freedom to accept or reject that contact. So a word to the wise, when you feel those impressions from your inner self try to make contact with them. We must always make an attempt to listen, even though it may lead us in directions we may have resisted in the past. Never resist the feelings of the inner soul. Always go with what feels good to the inner self. What feels good to the inner self sometimes will not always make sense to your mind at first, but will later on for all truth in the end makes sense.
Audience: you're saying go with the feeling past the mind?
JJ: Not past the mind, so to speak, but when the soul makes contact with the mind, the mind then must put itself into a state of receptivity to the soul. If it does, it will make sense to the mind. Maybe not at first but once it puts itself into a state of receptivity. The mind is always entitled to an explanation so it can go forward with understanding. But if the mind is set with a lot of preconceived notions that he doesn't want to give up. I don't want to give up this idea that I'm not supposed to look out for number one all the time. Then the soul says, "No, I want you to listen to me. There's more to life than this." You have the free will to shut that off. But if you don't shut it off, you will be able to see how it makes sense. Under the higher intuition soul contact will make sense. But you have to pay attention to your feelings. You have to pay attention to higher and lower levels. The mind and feelings must synchronize and work in complete harmony in the higher settings.
Audience: so you're saying that when you follow that feeling, you also will mentally know? You're saying that you had better trust your feelings and go with your feelings then analyze it and it will come to you? So you should initially follow your feelings then it will eventually come from the soul?
JJ: First a person must learn to differentiate between the higher and lower feelings. Relying on the lower feelings will bring disaster, but to follow the higher feelings brings higher consciousness, greater understanding and full use of mind.
Audience: The voice of the soul, is it through mind?
JJ: Let me tell you a statement of Jesus first. When people doubted the word He said, he said this, "Do my Father's will and you shall know." In other words, He says try to experiment. Do the higher will and you'll know it. I've found this to be true in my life so whenever I follow my soul impulse, understanding always follows. The Tibetan uses the word unfoldment. Understanding unfolds as you follow the higher impulses.
Question to Keys:
What do you think of this statement of Jesus? Have you followed a higher way, revelation or impression and later had it verified to be accurate?
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved