2002-6-8 06:00:00
Larry, I do not see much conflict with my teachings and your belief in election and appointment. What I see is a need for greater clarification and understanding.
Let me comment on a few of your words.
In your recorded message this morning (6/7/2002) you mentioned that I had expressed some doubts about the election process in future "Molecular" businesses. That is true. I do have some doubts. In my reading of The Molecular Relationship I see you taking the rather extreme position that the election process will be a cure-all, fix-all solution to many of the ills we observe today in the world. I am not quite sure I see it that way in all cases, and most particularly in the case of business operations.
In The Molecular Relationship (Ch 26, Leadership in the Molecule) you wrote: "In all hierarchical organizations today, the selection process for leadership is determined by appointment, from the top down. In the Molecular organization, the principle is the opposite. Established leadership is determined by election."
You have also written, "If it is molecular, everything should be done by the power of election." (Archives post 1071)
The first quote I agree with, but the second sounded odd to me and I attempted to look up the context. I couldn't find it in any of my files so I checked Archive #1071 and it was not there either. If you can find it could you tell me where it is?
If the quote is accurate then the word "everything" was too sweeping to use. For instance if we need to send someone out for hamburgers we certainly do not need an election.
In the Molecular Orders the leaders are selected by an election of their peers, but once the leader is in position he or she has power to make appointments, assignments, instructions, etc. The benefit of the election ingredient is that this prevents him from abusing his power because if he becomes too authoritative he can be challenged and replaced through a new election. This situation forces the leader to conscientiously take counsel from the group so each person becomes a part of the creative process.
So long as the molecular leader is in place through election he then has power to appoint people for certain tasks or call for volunteers similar to what I have done in relationship with this group.
However, permanent positions of leadership will be achieved through either election or initiation. Initiation is the method when a new group is being established. If you, for instance, were to create a Synthesis Group in Austin as a Molecular link, no formal election would be necessary. You are the natural leader, for the group elects you by joining with you. But if you later decided to move to Boise the group would need a formal election to replace you.
You have written before that the exercise of unjust authority is a great evil. However you have also stated that there are good and proper uses of authority. I would suggest to you that the same thing is true of appointment. There are both good and bad uses of appointment.
Yes, there are many good ways to use the power of appointment, but those who have a lengthy authority over you should maintain that power through election, or free will of the subjects. There are many temporary situations where an appointment or volunteering is the most efficient.
Oddly enough Joseph Smith said that , "The heads of the Gods appointed one God for us"(DHC 6:476). I would presume that was a good use of the power of appointment? I would especially presume that since you described these entities themselves as being in molecular relationships to which the first human molecule will link sometime in the future.
The Planetary Logos could not be elected by human souls or other life forms for they were not yet self conscious units when he came here 23 million years ago.
Before he came there would have been a Molecular meeting and the earth project would have been discussed. Volunteers would have been called for. If there were none then one would have been appointed by the head member and discussion pro and con would have followed.
The leader of this great Molecule would have obtained his position by either initiation or election and sustained by the freewill of the group.
A lesser Molecule here on earth would have its leader selected by either election or initiation and would also have many projects. A comparable one for a Molecule here would be the discussion of extending the Molecular Order to Peru. Volunteers would be noted and one would be selected to head up the project. There is no one yet in Peru to elect him to a position of authority, but as the work progresses those who join with the representative will do so by electing to follow.
The basic principle is this. The Brotherhood of Light operates through a maximum use of free will and all long term authority must be sustained through free will or the power of election.
Appointment must be limited to projects where free will is not infringed or election is impractical.
You are right that a big problem in business today is too much government interference, but that is a problem separate from the internal efficiency of the company. Even with no outside governmental controls there are many problems for a business to work out and the leaders can still become a beast to the employees. The principle of election can solve this problem for those who wish to rise above the power of the beast.
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved