2002-6-2 17:03:00
Good to hear your continued comments on the gathering. A special thanks to Rob for his continued comments.
It was great to meet all of you who attended.
Sharon J Writes:
"It may very well not exist in the physical, but I (and I suspect others) were hoping for some BASIS for your assertion. Your reply gave the impression of one who does a book review based on a synopsis without having read the book. At this point the story is either the biggest hoax of the new millennium or its most pressing news: dwarfing a limited, but grotesque nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan.
"What the mass media has admitted is out there is intriguing in itself- the largest asteroid ever found in our solar system, nearly as big as Pluto. If you asserted that Pluto didn't exist, I would no less ask why you think so. Many elaborate theories surround what IT is, but IT does appear to exist to the scientific community. This is not just some New Age phenomenon. Again it could be a hoax: with photos, appropriate gravitational anomalies of the outer planets which predicted its discovery and ancient writings describing its destructive, periodic orbit. Please give this matter more than a passing glance. And if a big red glow should appear in the sky in the next year, will you believe this an illusion for reasons (information) that you haven't revealed."
Good to hear from you Sharon. I'm sure there are a number thinking along similar lines to your own so this is a good point to bring up.
I am not making a judgment without reading the book, so to speak, for I have read most of the details of the prophecy on the internet.
The excitement around Planet X (called Nibiru) centers around the writings of Zecharia Sitchin. Now the interesting thing is that the prediction of the appearance of Planet X around spring of 2003 is not made or supported by Sitchin. He thinks the planet will show up someday, but not sure when.
A person making the prophecy is Mark Hazelwood who claims that Planet X is a brown dwarf that will visit is about a year from now.
We do not need soul contact to be assured this will not happen.
Because a brown dwarf is much larger than Jupiter, up to 48 times as large, and is likely to still be emitting light of its own. Anything this large would be visible to the naked eye for about five years before its approach to the earth.
The prediction is that Planet X will arrive in spring of 2003, less than a year from now. At the fastest possible orbiting speed from an elongated orbit, this planet would now have to be closer than Jupiter to have a chance of getting here within a year.
If then Planet X were within the obit of Jupiter it would be the brightest object in the night sky, over 20 times brighter than Venus the brightest object in the Sky, next to the moon. If it was a brown dwarf with residual light of its own, it could be a bright as the moon.
Because we look up in the sky and see no such object, then the only conclusion is that there is no brown dwarf within harm's way for years to come.
Some have seen the discovery of new asteroids as evidence of Planet X, but Planet X has been described as something much larger than an asteroid. Asteroid 2000WR106 was thought by some to be evidence of Planet X, but this was only about 10% the mass of Pluto and since it is about 4 billion miles from us, it poses no more threat than any other orb in our solar system.
I believe that Emmanuel Velikovsky is much closer to the truth than Sitchin. He shows evidence that planets have shifted out of their orbits and have visited the earth in the past. Such is a correspondent of planetary sex which gives birth to a new life form of some kind on the earth. The creation of the Molecular Relationship (a new life form) has the potential to invoke a planetary visit.
The thing to keep in mind is that such an event just does not happen at random with no purpose other than to destroy. A true planetary visit is part of the creation process in the universe which enhances life while destroying the obstacles to life.
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved