2002-4-29 11:49:00
Diane Writes:
J.J. - I am sure I am not going to be the only one challenging you on the way you expressed "?If the females were in charge, it would've been the race of women I suppose." from Unity of Words = Unity of Power.!!!! Could there be lurking some subtle put down here?? Neither Men nor Women could be said to be Ultimately in charge, because where the women finish off where do the men begin and where the men finish off where do women start??? It would really be nice to say the world is in such a mess because men are in charge, but alas, the women are not just hapless bystanders - behind every Great or Lesser man is of necessity a woman - even if, only his mother..........
I'd better add some clarification here because this is a sensitive subject. I was speaking of the situation right after World War II when the Great Invocation was given out. Overall during recorded history, including this period, the male has dominated the decision-making in the world, thus our language has an excess of male-oriented words. This is pretty much a fact. I wasn't making a value judgment as both the male and female sides are equal in this regard even though they are different in their placement of their attention and energy.
Fifty years ago men did seem to dominate most policy making. Things are now changing and in addition to nurturing the softer side of reality, the female is receiving a more equal voice in effecting decision and policies implemented in the various societies of the planet. This is as it should be and the previously unrecognized power of the female energy will be increasingly acknowledged and honored.
I have written quite a lot about this in my book The Molecular Relationship. I believe this is posted in the archives.
What is your opinion of Djwhal Khul's use of the word brother and brotherhood? Was he being sexist? Is there a better word the Hierarchy should use to sound more inclusive? Should Alice A. Bailey and H. P. Blavatsky have been offended for being called "Brothers?"
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved