Eliminating Donald Duck

2002-4-25 02:15:00

Editor's Note:  Despite the success of this teaching format, eventually JJ discontinued the "teaching experiment" due to demands on his time to write the next book in "The Immortal" series. It was also discovered that there were technical problems with the recording and playback of the MP3 files, that required the audio files to be either re-recorded or removed. Again, because of the demands on JJ's time, it was decided to remove the files, and so they are no longer available in this format.

However, as the MP3 files were voluntarily transcribed from the original audio/MP3 versions of the "lessons," by members of The Keys Of Knowledge spiritual discussion group, and can be read in and at the following articles here in FreeRead Archives:

False Christs & More

Unity Of Words = Unity Of Power

Universe - Authority Seed Thoughts

Becoming What We've Never Been

Going Where We've Never Gone Before

True Authority

Illusion and Self Correction

The Importance Of Knowledge

The Desire To Gather


Please be aware that there are other metaphysical, esoteric and spiritual "lessons" entitled "Teachings For The New Age" -- all recorded by JJ Dewey in his own voice -- that are available as audio podcasts in MP3 format that can be listened to online and/or downloaded for free onto your computer's hard drive and listened to at your convenience on any device that plays MP3 files. These podcasts can be found at:  Podcast Index

The following is the original content of this article:

-- End Of Editor's Note --


My Friends,

Your comments on the audio are encouraging. The only problem seems to be that some are getting a high speed playback where I sound like Donald Duck. I may sound strange at times, but this is not the real me. I'm not sure what is causing this for I cannot duplicate this effect on my end if I try. I use a Mac and am not familiar with all the quirks of the PC and Windows. It sounds like the effect may be occurring when the file is not downloaded but played on line. If this is the case download the file and then play it on your MP3 Player.

If you happened to get the high speed effect and then solved the problem, please share with us what you did. If you can play the file on line without downloading let us know what software or browser you are using and what you did. If you downloaded the files on to a folder on your hard drive and still get high speed when you play let us know what you are doing and the software and browser you use. We'll try and get the best system going for you PC folk so future participants have an easier time.

Larry reported a problem playing it in Musicbox, but it works fine on my Mac Version. I had a friend who downloaded the PC version of Musicbox and the process of playing MP3 on it sounded more complicated than Mac version but he finally figured it out and then it worked fine.

Larry mentioned that he had more success using RealJukebox 2. This is put out by Real Player and I use this sometimes and it plays MP3's fine on my Mac.

The address is:


The free version is in small print on the lower left.

You can download either a Mac or PC version.

Generally there are several ways to play MP3's on these players. On most of them you can go to "Open" and then open the file you want to play and hit the play button.

These files are compressed 100 times smaller than an Audio CD file to make them practical to download from the Internet. It's amazing they sound as good as they do. After we do this for a while I will make the lessons available in higher quality on CD's.

Thank you for your cooperation. This idea sounds encouraging so far. As John K. says, you can put additional meaning into your inflection and the emphasis you place on words when we have audio.