2002-4-4 05:28:00
Mindy quoted the following from the Alice A. Bailey's "Treatise on White Magic":
"'Cooperating in the plan of the Solar Logos in relation to His Karma a point oft overlooked. This Karma of His must be worked out through the method of incarnation and the subsequent result of the incarnated energy upon the substances of the form. This is symbolized for us, if we could but grasp it, in the relation of the sun to the moon. The Solar Lord with his warmth and light galvanizes the moribund Lunar Lords into spurious life. This is the great deception; and the Maya of His Presence.
"'So runs the Old Commentary oft quoted by me in earlier books. The above concept has in it truth for the individual soul likewise.' (A Treatise On White Magic, Pg 48, Alice A. Bailey)
"If you have time could you please elaborate on this briefly?"
You picked one with a lot of meaning and I will just be able to scratch the surface here.
The first thing to take from this is the dispelling of the idea that when we reach the higher worlds that we will be eternally free from Karma. Note that even the Solar Logos has Karma and he has progressed billions of years beyond the Planetary Logos and the Planetary Logos passed beyond the human kingdom billions of years in the past. Thus we cannot expect to be free from the effects of Karma (Cause & Effect) any time soon.
What do we mean when we say we have Karma?
This is another way of merely stating that we have initiated cause in the past for which all the effects have not yet been realized.
If you throw a bowling ball at ten pins the desired effect is to knock them all down. As the ball is in motion rolling down the aisle the cause has been initiated, but the end effect has not yet materialized. This end effect is Karma and thus the ball, or the thrower of the ball, can be said to have Karma. After the ball hits the pins and is returned to its sender we can say the Karma has played out. Then the player can throw the ball again and the Karma (resulting effect) will this time play out a little differently.
As we incarnate into a life we are like a bowler with a ball in motion just waiting to see if we will wind up with a strike or a seven/ten split. These motions we carry with us are effects from our past still in motion waiting to be played out.
This will continue on various levels through eternity.
Djwhal Khul [DK] then makes an interesting statement:
"This Karma of His must be worked out through the method of incarnation and the subsequent result of the incarnated energy upon the substances of the form."
This not only applies to the Solar Logos, but to all lives. The Solar Logos created causes from his last incarnation for which the effects have not yet played out. He, therefore, has the forces of Karma to deal with in his current life just as we do, but on as higher level.
Those causes which are initiated on the physical plane must be played out on the physical, and thus we are forced because of Karma to reincarnate when causes yet remain in motion for which the effects have not yet played out.
Causes which have been initiated on the astral plane must be played out upon the astral and causes in the mental must be played out upon the mental, yet while the entity is in physical incarnation.
Beyond these three worlds of form cause and effect act out simultaneously from our point of view and there is no usually no residual Karma. Notice, I say usually. This is because in the event of a major decision on the higher planes, even there Karma can be generated. For instance, the one third of the monads of this system who decided not to incarnate are suffering an effect which will last for eons. (See Stanzas of Dzyan, Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey.)
Our souls are a symbol of the sun and our lower personality is a symbol of the moon with no light of its own. Karma is worked off through the soul shining the light of the Spirit on the lower self propelling it into motion as does the coming and going of the sun causes the waters to rain down, evaporate and then come down again. Our soul is our personal book of life that stores cause and drives us to work out effects until all is in balance and we return to our source for the great rest of the Lord of Sabboath.
Then Mindy asks:
"Also, concerning Karma, can it be passed on to our offspring or are happenings merely genetic/environmental occurrences?"
There is individual Karma and then there is group Karma. Your individual Karma is not passed down to your children unless you are born as your grandchild and bear the effects of a past life. On the other hand, there is Karma for larger entities. If you are a member of a church, an organization, a nation, a race, and sometimes families, you will wind up being a cog in a great wheel that will assist in working out effects of cause for the entire group which you are affiliated. Thus we have national Karma, racial Karma, etc.
It can sometimes appear that we pass down individual Karma to offspring because the offspring gravitate to a situation conducive to working out their Karma. If you and person "B" have similar Karma to work out you may wind up being born into the same family that provides the correct circumstances for you.
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