1999-1-17 11:07:00
Glenys was on the right track by stating that the hopes and dreams of Jesus were crushed by the third temptation and the crucifixion.
When Jesus gave the prayer "Thy Kingdom Come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," He was expressing the desire of His heart which was the manifestation of a physical Kingdom of God on the earth.
All the prophets had predicted such an event for thousands of years and it was only natural for Him to think that He was by far the most qualified to initiate the creation of such a dream.
Imagine the creation of a society where the lion would lay down with the lamb, where the nations would turn their swords into plowshares, and there would be no more war.
Imagine a world where the Prince of Peace was presiding instead of Caesar?
Jesus, being a student and contemplator of the scriptures had the same dream as did all the prophets before Him. He wanted to do more than just preach an inner kingdom that few could recognize, but He wanted to bring the kingdom mentioned by Daniel the prophet:
"And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, [but] it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." (Daniel 2:44)
If He could use His talents, abilities and great wisdom to set up such a kingdom He would do more to alleviate human suffering than any other thing, but such was not to be.
Unfortunately human consciousness was not ready for such an advance and the God within told Him that even though His heart was in the right place this was not His mission. Even though few would listen He was to teach about the inner kingdom in preparation for an outer kingdom of peace and good will that would surface 2000 years later.
To understand the temptation of Jesus let us try and put the situation in a more familiar setting.
Most of us on this list are anticipating a new age of peace which is just around the corner. This anticipation of a better world around the corner, and the thought that we have a small part we can do to aid that, is one of the things that make life worth living for many of us.
Now let us suppose that you realized that you were the Jesus of this age and in your mind this better world could only materialize if you could introduce certain principles that the nations could adopt that would bring this age of peace. You also realize that if you cannot carry this plan forward that there will be no age of peace after all. Everyone's hopes and dreams of such an age will be crushed to powder and many generations would suffer war, disease and death.
You make plans to avoid such suffering by formulating a plan to bring the coming age of peace. You get it all created in your mind and are confident that you can pull it off when the inner voice comes to you and says, "Not yet my son. You must wait around 2000 more years before mankind is truly ready for you. Instead of building the outer kingdom you must preach the inner and demonstrate its power by allowing yourself and most of your disciples and friends to be brutally killed. After billions of people have suffered disease, hunger and death, then perhaps you can have a part in the bringing of physical as well as inner peace. The target date for this would be around the year 4000 AD."
"Wait until 4000 AD before you do anything to alleviate physical suffering? No way. I must try now!"
Then comes the voice of a Dark Brother speaking with a much louder voice saying to you: "What you believe to be the voice of God cannot be true. It would be the greatest of sins for you to not present your plan until the year 4000. Even if you try and fail it is much better than not trying at all. I am the true voice of God and I command you to worship me and set up a glorious kingdom that will end human suffering and war. Consider what I say and compare it to the other voice and ask yourself which of us is the true loving God who seeks to help humanity?"
You filter these two messages through your heart, your feelings and your mind and they all seem to declare that the latter more sensible voice was correct and more loving, but then you find you must force yourself through an act of will to test the two voices with your soul. When you finally do this you find that the soul tells you the first voice was correct. You do not understand completely why this is so, but you are now faced with a great struggle as to which voice to follow. The first voice was so still, silent and seemed to set your inner being on fire whereas the second voice was very authoritative and seemed to activate every feeling in your body. This God promised you your heart's desire and what is wrong with that when your heart's desire is for such a beautiful thing?
Can you now see the struggle that you would have and how easy it would be to give in to the "flow"? Who wants to wait until the year 4000 to improve the physical world?
Jesus passed the temptation and went and did as He was commanded by the God within, but He still kept a door open and tested the waters for building a physical kingdom.
Then just before he was crucified he began to see more clearly that God was correct after all as He lamented:
37 "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
38 "Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.
39 "For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord."
(Matthew 23:37-39)
How often He tested the waters and tried to gather the lights, but they would not listen. Their consciousness was not ready just as the inner voice told Him. The only way to truly reach them and prepare their hearts for things to come was a supreme sacrifice on His part.
Thus did Jesus go to the crucifixion, but few realize that the sacrifice of His body on the cross was nothing compared to the sacrifice of His dream.
To understand the impact that Jesus had it helps us to understand the keynote of the Age of Pisces and the coming Age of Aquarius. There is a key word for Pisces and one for Aquarius. Let us see if you can name them.
Once you have identified the key words, then ask yourself what lessons have these two key words to teach us?
Copyright © 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved