2002-3-16 05:16:00
Thank you for your comments on love, negative emotions, fear, etc.
Many people have reservations about examining love on an individual basis for several reasons.
One of the main reasons is that when love is felt the ability to accurately describe it is difficult to put into words. You can't really say that love feels like A, B or C because love only feels like love.
Another problem is that many have heard the idea of love tossed around a lot, but have not yet experienced it themselves in fullness. They thus have difficulty in describing that which they have only partially experienced.
Consider this:
Is love a feeling or is love that which produces the feeling?
The feeling is only the vehicle of love and the actions that bring the feeling to life is the fuel that sets love aflame.
So what is this power which lies in back of the feeling and actions that we call love?
It all goes back to the two energies which create our manifested universe
(1) Radiation (Light)
(2) Magnetism (Love)
The power of radiation caused the singularity at the center to expand toward unlimited space.
After the expansion the power of magnetism (Love) creates a pull to draw all elements back to their source.
In other words, radiation creates space and the expansion of space, whereas magnetism or love collapses space and brings the many into the One. Light is the world without - Love is the World within.
The present interplay of radiation and magnetism (or Light and Love) causes a sustaining power that keeps our universe in manifestation. Because the universe is still expanding we are to assume that Light presently dominates Love as a whole. Yet within certain concretized planets and systems in the universe, Love dominates Light. Because the total domination by love is yet future this explains why those who look toward the future as a better world are more in alignment with love than those who dwell upon the past.
Simply put, Love is that driving force which pulls us toward oneness and becomes manifested through our feelings.
Is hate the opposite of love?
When considering the feeling world alone it is indeed, but from a wholeness point of view it is not.
One can say that a black car is opposite in color to a white car yet they are both owned by the same driver.
The driver of the feelings of love and hate is the one originating energy of love. The difference is that the feeling of love plays the energy in its purity whereas hate is a distortion like a note played out of tune.
The scripture says that "God is Love." [1] What do you suppose this means?
[1] 1 John 4:8, 4:16
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved