Comments on Christ

2002-3-7 05:08:00

Thank you for your comments and postings in my absence. I must commend Susan C for presenting such a nice vision to aspire toward.

Allow me to make a few comments about the last several thoughts we have been contemplating.

The coming of Christ will be different than Christianity as a whole is expecting. On the other hand, it will also be different than many New Agers are expecting.

The orthodox believer thinks that a great Anti Christ will soon surface that will make Hitler look like Richard Simmons. Those who believe in the "correct" concept of Christ will be raptured into heaven whereas those who remain will go through a living hell as the Anti Christ plants computer chips in their hands and foreheads and reigns supreme as God on the earth over his subjects.

After seven years or so of this, Jesus appears in the sky in a big blaze of fire and light and zaps the Anti Christ and all who have not turned to Jesus. There is a difference of opinion as to what happens after this but many believers think that the righteous dead will rise and live with Jesus on the earth for as thousand years. During this time Jesus will boss everyone around with a will and power so supreme that none would dare challenge Him thus forcing peace upon the earth.

Reality Check: The religious ones are as deceived about the coming of the Lord in this age as they were in the last one.

One of the reasons that the coming of Christ did not register in public consciousness until about 300 years after his birth is that it was also thought back then that the Messiah was going to come in a blaze of glory and destroy his enemies, while exalting mediocre believers to thrones of glory.

Their attention was toward the skies, but the Lord was born in a cave/manger at the stroke of midnight. His humble coming was overlooked by all but a small handful who knew he would come among them as a mortal human.

As his coming was last time, so shall it be again. He will either come directly in a body of his own or by divine possession. Either way he will walk among us as a "regular guy" just as he did last time.

The scriptures will be fulfilled, but when all is said and done it will be seen that few there were who read them correctly through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Many New Agers are also deceived in that they see the coming of Christ as a nebulous rise in consciousness among the people of earth. Many there are who do not believe that we need a great individual intelligence to manifest among us, but that the average seeker is doing just fine on his own and needs no master to inspire him. Everything is within and we need no outer Christ for all is inside.

Reality Check The truth is that just as we need male as well as female, positive as well as negative, past as well a future to create a world, let alone a better world, even so do we need the outer as well, as the inner teachers.

Those who rely only on the inner at the exclusion of the outer or the outer at the exclusion of the inner will have no light for all light is created by duality. To enter the light we must look to both inner and outer teachers and give them both true recognition and attention when justified.

While it is true that we have an inner Christ there is also a Master who has the outer office of Christ and has manifested the qualities of the Christ within to perfection, which perfection is far in the future for average seekers. As seekers we need the example and teachings of those who have progressed further along the path than ourselves.

How long would it take for you to learn Algebra without a teacher or a textbook written by a teacher? It would take you a thousand times as long to figure it out and learn it all by yourself than with the help of one who knows.

Even so it is silly to claim we need no one to help us to greater heights on a spiritual level. Find me one who has moved ahead one step by looking within only and I'll show you a dozen who have moved many steps with the help of others who not only look within but have given a helping hand.

He who takes upon himself the name of Jesus Christ will seek to lift his brother up to where he is.

Would the Christ approach his mission differently in either a male or female body?

Definitely yes.

While it is true that all of us clear up to the Christ have both male and female energies within us, all of us have a polarization in one or the other.

If you are in a male body you'll generally have between 50-65% of your influencing energies be radiant, active, and visible. If you are in a female body you'll have from 50-65% of your influencing energies be magnetic, receptive and invisible. If you are a highly charged male or female you can still balance the energies within and use them both to your advantage.

Even so Christ will tune into both energies within and use them both to his advantage. Just like us he will be charged more in one energy than the other and he will use the polarization to help complete his mission.

If He comes as a male He will seek to promote His teachings with male energy by seeking to take His message to the people. If He were to come as a female He would seek to create a magnetic center that would draw people to Him.

It is true that He will use both energies, but the focus will always be on the one where the natural surplus of energy is.

In His appearance 2000 years ago He did use some magnetism (female energy) and drew people to Him, but because He had a surplus of male energy He actively (male energy) traveled from town to town seeking to teach. Then instead of creating a school to draw people (female energy) He sent out (male energy) missionaries to convert.


One of the main missions of Christ was to present the ideal of love before humanity (the highest female aspect).

Give us your definition of Love and what is the difference between spiritual, love and the love of the lower self.