2002-2-27 04:41:00
My Friends
Many readers of the Immortal and other writings I have posted have expressed interest in meeting and hearing me in person. The opposite is also true. I am interested in meeting and getting to know you. Robin and Larry Kennon have been gracious enough to lay plans to make this happen. They have reserved a rustic cowboy lodge for the occasion which shall run from May 24th-27th. What is especially significant about this time period is that May 26th is World Invocation Day. In honor of this day we will attempt to invoke the presence of the great lives who seek to stimulate the evolution of humanity. You never know what may happen when Lights gather together and seek revelation.
In addition to this we will cover a variety of subjects. Some of which are:
(1) Ceremonial Magic. We shall perform a unique ceremony which shall be a synthesis of Buddhism and Christianity. This will be different than you have experienced before and the effects will be felt for some time after the event.
(2) We shall have a group meditation which shall take many into their past lives and share their experiences with the group. If you wish to discover who you were in a previous life this is a good opportunity for you.
(3) Healing: The Three major causes of disease will be discussed. Every person who is willing will receive a group healing performed. Everyone loved doing this at the first gathering and we expect even better results at this one.
(4) Soul Contact: Students can't seem to get enough information about this subject. Not only will we cover this subject with a new slant, gut we shall perform some interesting exercises to stimulate it. These will be different than we have done before.
(5) Mental Telepathy and the Oneness Principle. Three Keys to achieving this and why it is important.
(6) Group sharing. Members of the group will be given time to contribute.
(7) Questions and answers.
And much more.
To make this event available to all the only charge will be for food, housing and your cost in getting to Austin, Texas.
Robin Kennon who is in charge of accommodations wrote this invitation:
It's time for the 3rd annual Keysters Gathering! This year it will be held near Austin, Texas over Memorial Day weekend, May 24th-27th. It will start on Friday afternoon/evening and go through mid-day on Monday. That's three days, not the usual two like our two previous gatherings.
For those of you that don't know about the gathering, a little history. The gathering is a time to come together physically, learn from JJ, get to know each other, sing, dance, talk, laugh, pray, say the Song of 144,000, etc. and have an absolutely wonderful time! Our first gathering was two years ago in McCall, Idaho. It was simply sublime, and my slogan became "On earth as it was in McCall" for quite some time afterwards. Last year we gathered in Manti, Utah for a weekend, and again, had a memorable time.
Now for the details of this years gathering. We will be staying at the 7A Ranch and Resort in Wimberly, Texas. Wimberly is a small town south-west of Austin, on the banks of the Blanco River. It is less than an hours drive from the Austin airport. We will be staying in the Cowboy lodge. This consists of a large building with a central hall for eating and holding classes/events as well as 10 bedrooms, each with 2 double beds, a fold-out couch and a private bath. The lodge also has a large kitchen. The large common room has a free standing fireplace and the entire lodge has central air and heat. This will insure our comfort, no matter what the weather is outside! You can see pictures of the place at http://www.7aranchresort.com/ These are not luxury accommodations, but should serve our needs just fine....not Holiday Inn but more like Econo-Lodge. However, the lodge is clean and the price is right. Speaking of price, I bet you're wondering about that. For all three nights lodging plus all meals and snacks, the price is $160/person. This also includes all bedding and linens.
If you plan to fly into Austin, we will provide transportation to and from the airport to the ranch. If you plan to drive, I'll provide you with detailed instructions to find the ranch. The only thing we ask, if you come, is that you come in the spirit of learning and sharing. We want to be of one mind, as much as possible. So, if you're interested, please send an email to rkennon
hotmail.com This is going to be a great weekend. Don't miss it!!
With love and anticipation, Robin
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved