2002-11-27 05:06:00
Glenys pronounces Djwhal Khul's name as 'D-wow Kool. I agree with the kool part for indeed he is a cool dude. I think he looked into the future and saw that "cool" would be a cool word from the late fifties onward and then glommed on to it for a last name. (A little humor here for the serious dudes)
I would guess that that A is pronounced like the A in AHH or D-Wall. My reason for this is twofold. (1) This is the obvious English pronunciation and (2) if we take the two vowel sounds from the two names we have AHH OOO the first two sounds of the A-U-M. The A represents the first aspect and the U the second. The M of the third aspect is missing.
Does this have meaning?
It does.
His name tells us that part of his mission is to lead us away from the negative elements left over from the first solar system which was ruled by the Third Aspect and he is an instrument in leading is to the purpose of the second solar system (U ruled by Ray Two) and present the vision of the coming Solar System (AH - ruled by Ray One).
The leaving behind the Ray 3 of the first solar system is verified by the silent letters in his name. Using standard numerology we have:
W=5 + H=8+H=8 for a total of 21. 2+1=3 symbolizing the silence of the Third Aspect of the Past and moving on to the Second and finally the First.
Using numerology for his whole name we have:
D=4+J=1+W=5+H=8+A=1+L=3 Totaling 22 2+2=4
K=2+H=8+U=3+L=3 Totaling 16 1+6=7
Now we add the totals for the name 22+16=38 and 3+8=11 and 1+1=2
This is quite interesting since he is a Master of the Second Ray who is attempting to increase the consciousness aspect (2nd Ray) of humanity.
I would have a natural affinity toward his teachings since the numbers of my name are very similar to his. Notice that both of our names total 11 which is reduced to two.
Total = 74
1+1=2 Interestingly, this is the number of my Soul Ray. I have two silent H's as he does which would further attract me to him on intuitive levels.
Among his students he is known as DK D=4 and K = 2 which totals 6. We thus have the 2/4/6 or all the rays of the second aspect represented in his initials, again emphasizing his Second Ray emphasis.
The fact that D+K=6 tells us that these initials register well with us on an emotional level and that he is attempting to descend below the mind and communicate with us on all levels.
Now, the one thing we are missing is the Tibetan meaning of his actual name. That would be interesting to know.
It would also be interesting to know his two other names. Alice A. Bailey knew him as Djwhal Khul and one other name not revealed. Then there was a third name she was not privy to.
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved