2002-1-21 04:06:00
The Question:
Why do you suppose the word "magic" is associated with this ray?
Susan Cater writes: I think magic/miracle is associated with this ray because it is the ray of coming together of all forces and presents the perfect balance of all forces. It is a ray associated with Ray 1/Power and so it is a Ray with an ability to DO. Magic/miracle is the ability to use natural laws beyond most people's understanding. That ability comes from Ray 3 Active Intelligence. Ray 7 is the ray most closely related to Physical man. It tells me that God put together everything he learned in us and we have the ability to manifest or make magic with all the traits God has so far perfected. It necessitates that we follow the true natural order of things. The synthesis portion of this ray suggests not only the power side of the equation but the love side too. Power + Love = Magic.
Assaf writes: The word "magic" is associated with this ray because the physical matter, which we feel and know without measuring instruments in our reality, is on this ray. When we want to experience more and expand our knowledge, we do it by experimenting on and by manipulating with the physical matter that we already know. The process of expanding our knowledge is magic in action.
Melva writes: Magic is creation out of seeming "thin air." The ordering of the molecules of creation and the instilling of the breath to manifest motion and being. Magic can be seen as a frivolous word that belies the intense learning and focus that proceeds it. "It was magic" seems to imply it was easy. Ceremonial Order: gives substance to magic.
Robert writes: When I see the word magic, I associate it with a special way that (things) get done. I also think of an invisible world which has it's own order of how thought, action, life is played. By my studies here, I understand that it is about an inner power (a world) with its own rules of evolution. So, how is it associated with the Ray of Ceremonial Order. Using what I understand about ceremonies about the outer aspects. Ceremony is about how a person goes through an act or series of acts to reach some point of place of power (evolution or de-evolution). So, I think the magic is associated with the ray of ceremonial order by doing inner acts or a series of acts to reach a higher state of evolution or de-evolution. I think it is a of initiation.
Glenys writes: Also, the Lord of the 7th Ray has special responsibility for building form through the Building Devas and does this by reciting certain occult words, mantras etc - or Magical Incantations.
The magician often works through ritual and ceremony (because of their inherent order) which are characteristics of the 7th Ray as order, sequence and timing are essential in any magical work, from manifesting a new car to uniting spirit and matter.
The Tibetan says that the 7th Ray is the energy which produces order out of chaos. As order is a reflection of Divine Purpose/Pattern/Law, perhaps Order if the first sub aspect.
The main task of the Lord of the Ray for the next 2000 years will be to assist the evolution of all the kingdoms of nature but particularly certain human and deva Monads move out of the human kingdom into the fifth or spiritual kingdom. In Cosmic Fire, he is described as the 'great transmuting and transferring agent of the Logos' and his prime function 'above all else' is 'that of adaptation or the molding of the form'.
These are all great comments and we'd have plenty of food for though just contemplating the above words. Even so I will add several things.
Rule eight of White Magic gives a key principle of magic. It reads in part: "The midway spot, which is neither dry nor wet, must provide the standing place whereon his (the magician's) feet are set. When water, land and air meet, there is the place for magic to be wrought."
So where is the midway spot as far as the Rays are concerned?
You would think the midway spot would be Ray Four since this is the middle number between one and seven - right?
Not exactly.
True magic is produced by blending the reality of two or more worlds of spheres. Just as the soul is the midway and magical spot between spirit and matter, even so the point of magic lies at the midway point between sets of rays rather than within the seven rays. From one world of seven rays to the next one up, the midway spot is the blending point between Rays Seven and One. In other words, as Seven synthesizes into a greater One we have produced a midway point where magic may be wrought.
In fact the three sub-aspects of Ray Seven are: Synthesis-Order-Magic.
The third sub-aspect of the Seventh Ray is magic because that is closest to the transition point where order and power blend and two worlds are brought together. Power seems to grow out of order and order seems to exist because of an underlying sustaining power.
When the first cycle of Rays is completed and transition is in the process of being made to the next cycle that which seems magical is manifest.
The seventh Ray is coming into manifestation among humanity corresponding to the coming in of the Aquarian Age. Because Aquarius is ruled by Uranus which is a planet of the seventh Ray this will make the power of this Ray extremely powerful as soon as we shake off the residual forces of the Piscean age.
Even so we have already witnessed the power of this ray on a physical level but this is just a small foreshadowing of what is to come on a spiritual level.
Even though the Seventh Ray has been in manifestation since 1675 it is still picking up steam and just in the beginning of asserting itself. What is some of the magic of the Seventh Ray which has manifest since 1675 and particularly in the last 100 years? What magical influences can we expect to see in the next 100 years?
Hint. Think order, organization, synthesis, gathering and close association with the Fifth Ray. What would someone from 1675 think magical today if he was transported through time and what does the Seventh Ray have to do with it?
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved