1999-1-13 00:07:00
The FOLKS idea is a very good one. My feeling on a current name is this. Whatever evolves among the group is what we should do. However, this group is preparation for other organizations that will have predetermined names.
Karen, your reminder to be aware of the last message we have received cannot be repeated too often. If we all follow that advice much illusion will be revealed.
Glenys and Rob came close to the illusion by stating that Jesus could have been killed if he had thrown himself off the temple.
The answer to the following question will reveal the illusion that even made the Son of God think twice.
God promised that the Messiah would be protected by angels. Therefore, it would seem that there is no way that Jesus could have been killed if he had thrown himself from the temple. It appears he could have put God in a corner because of His Word just as Moses did (as we discussed in a previous post).
The Question: Would God have broken His word if He would have not saved Jesus if he had jumped from the temple? Explain your answer.
Hint: The answer seems to be yes, but things are not always as they seem.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved