2002-1-14 04:27:00
The question before us is:
"What do you suppose are the three sub-aspects of the Sixth Ray?"
The answer to this one is not so obvious and I thank those of you who gave your thoughts.
Here are my thoughts on it.
The first thing to look for is this. One of the sub-rays will always be based on the core principle of the primary ray. For instance the sub-rays of the first ray of power are Will-Power-Purpose, Power being one of the sub-rays.
This principle gives us a hint as to the direction to seek the sub-rays of the Sixth Ray of Idealism.
Idealism would therefore be one of the sub-rays.
What are then the other two?
First we look at other words associated with this ray. The two that stand out are "devotion" and "desire." The word "emotion" also comes to mind, but the word desire covers the emotional principle involved. The emotion associated with the Sixth Ray is basically an emotional desire of attachment.
So how are these three sub-aspects related?
Thus we see the interplay of Idealism-Desire-Devotion.
The Christian Church is a prime example of this Ray.
Jesus, a Sixth Ray disciple under the influence of the Christ who is on the Second Ray, presented the ideal of the perfect man, the perfect salvation, and the perfect church. Followers desired to manifest these ideals and devoted their lives to it.
Unfortunately many Sixth Ray people become over zealous to manifest their ideal and are willing to impose it with force if necessary.
The Sixth Ray was the powerful ray of influence during the Piscean Age. On the positive side it presented the ideal as manifested by the Christ, but on the negative it encouraged the fanaticism of the crusades and the Conquistadors.
The Sixth Ray also sheds light on the number of the Beast, or 666. Let me quote from a previous post:
"Thus we finally arrive at the core meaning of the number of the Beast, the 666. In plain English it stands for the control through the Sixth Ray Solar Plexus Center over the three basic worlds of livingness for mankind. (1) Control over The Physical (first 6) Control over the Emotional (second 6) and control over the Mental by negation (the third 6. All three of these parts of our nature have been controlled in most of us by the Sixth Ray of idealism by the Beast.
"Now go back and read the verse about 666 again: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six." (Rev 13:18)
"Notice the wording here. "Let him that hath understanding." In the Greek it literally reads "Let him who has a mind." In other words, the meaning of the 666 is not obvious, but requires mind and understanding to comprehend it."
The second question is:
"Name three famous people influenced by this ray."
A most obvious one is Barbara Streisand with her powerful emotional appeal. Bill Clinton is also strong on this ray and this accounts for the strong attraction between these two people. Jimmy Swaggart is a third person very much into Sixth Ray. Richard Dreyfus is a more positive example of this ray.
Here are some more comments from Djwahl Khul about this Ray:
Special Virtues:
Devotion, single-mindedness, love, tenderness, intuition, loyalty, reverence.
Vices of Ray:
Selfish and jealous love, over-leaning on others, partiality, self-deception, sectarianism, superstition, prejudice, over-rapid conclusions, fiery anger.
Virtues to be acquired:
Strength, self-sacrifice, purity, truth, tolerance, serenity, balance and common sense.
This is called the ray of devotion. The man who is on this ray is full of religious instincts and impulses, and of intense personal feeling; nothing is taken equably. Everything, in his eyes, is either perfect or intolerable; his friends are angels, his enemies are very much the reverse; his view, in both cases, is formed not on the intrinsic merits of either class, but on the way the persons appeal to him, or on the sympathy or lack of sympathy which they shew to his favourite idols, whether these be concrete or abstract, for he is full of devotion, it may be to a person, or it may be to a cause.
He must always have a "personal God," an incarnation of Deity to adore. The best type of this ray makes the saint, the worst type, the bigot or fanatic, the typical martyr or the typical inquisitor. All religious wars or crusades have originated from Sixth Ray fanaticism. The man on this ray is often of gentle nature, but he can always flame into fury and fiery wrath. He will lay down his life for the objects of his devotion or reverence, but he will not lift a finger to help those outside of his immediate sympathies. As a soldier, he hates fighting but often when roused in battle fights like one possessed. He is never a great statesman nor a good business man, but he may be a great preacher or orator.
The Sixth Ray man will be the poet of the emotions (such as Tennyson) and the writer of religious books, either in poetry or prose. He is devoted to beauty and colour and all things lovely, but his productive skill is not great unless under the influence of one of the practically artistic rays, the fourth or seventh. His music will always be of a melodious order, and he will often be the composer of oratories and of sacred music.
The method of healing for this ray would be by faith and prayer.
The way of approaching the Path would be by prayer and meditation, aiming at union with God.
The Seventh Ray is called The Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic.
Why do you suppose the word "magic" is associated with this ray?
What are the three sub-aspects?
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