2002-1-6 14:22:00
Rick Writes:
"How? Did I miss a class or two? I don't know what rays 6 and 7 are or how you figure for soul, personality, mind, etc. I haven't heard enough about the differences between rays to begin to guess what mine are, yet. Does everyone start out as one of the three primary rays and then add some of other rays? Is there a chart where I can look it up? How important is it to know my rays? I could never get an astro chart done, because I don't know the hour I was born. I hope I don't need to know what time I was born, to figure out my rays. Do these rays show up in my aura? If I call Miss Cleo, can she tell me my rays? The only light I've seen, inside of me, was bright white, like an arc lamp. Do the rays have anything to do with the white light I saw? Are we made from these rays, like a hologram is made from a laser beam, or do they just add flavor, like toppings on ice cream?"
Yes, I realize we are jumping the gun a bit. On the other hand, I also realize that there are several AAB students here with some knowledge of the rays who may be willing to jump in.
You don't need to know the exact date of birth, yet a knowledge of astrology is helpful in discovering your rays. The prominent color in your aura may indicate the ray of your astral body, but that is about it.
The only way to discover your Rays from higher vision is to examine the geometric shapes that are projected on the outer film of the aura and few people can see this and most psychics are unaware of its existence. The Masters can use this and other intuitive methods.
We ordinary folk must at first rely on our common sense and power of discernment.
We'll cover ray types in greater depth later.
Mindy posted a brief outline of the Rays by RLP which was quite accurate. I'll quote his comments on Rays 6 & 7 and then we'll cover them more thoroughly later.
Ray Six. The seeds of all devotion and desire pour forth through this energy. It generates adherence, intensity and persistence. The determination resident in this ray is a fiery essence, sometimes full of force, fury and even fanatical display and militant violence. Abstraction and aspiration characterize the sixth force, in the sense of an idealistic nature, loyally oriented toward the causal levels of being. The sixth ray is the power to recognize what is right and righteous, the upward tendency and the capacity to see the light.
(JJ Note: This Ray governs the astral body and those governed by it are very emotional and idealistic - such as bones in Star Trek.)
Ray Seven. This last of the seven is the most tangibly expressive on the outer planes. It is the quality of relationship between spirit and matter and is thus magical. It is rhythm which builds, integrates, circulates and manifests. It is the bringer and producer of newness in form. The relational power of this ray motivates law and order, rule and ritual, organization and group consciousness. It is practical understanding and vital energy externalized, which embodies both the center and the periphery.
Hints on the current question.
George W. Bush is famous for adding the word "compassionate" to conservatism. This tells us that a certain ray is at play in his makeup. What is the ray and where is it working? On the other hand, he is doing a great job in destroying our enemies at war. What Ray is at work here and where?
Clinton made many people feel that he was "feeling their pain." Which Ray was at play here and where was it at play?
John Lennon is recognized as one of the most creative minds in history. What Ray was he focused on and where was it working at - his mind, his soul or his personality?
He was very anti-establishment and anti-war. Which ray influenced this?
Go ahead and attempt an answer even if it only covers a portion of the question.
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved