2002-1-6 04:42:00
What are the three sub-aspects of the 5th Ray of Concrete Knowledge?
It looks like we have had only two brave souls venture a answer on this - Peter and Susan.
Now, if I give a different answer than you and you still feel yours is correct you may have a point. The reason for this is we are working with principles and principles can often be described in a variety of words.
For instance, in the Ancient Wisdom the three aspects are usually called Power-Love/Wisdom-Active Intelligence.
But as we pointed out earlier, various organizations call them by different names such as:
Shiva Vishnu Brahma Hindu
Father Son Holy Ghost Christian
Kether Binah Chochmah Hebrew
Amun-RA Horus Osiris-Isis Egyptian
There are hundreds of differing names used, but all convey a similar principle.
So what would I call the three sub-aspects of the Fifth Ray? Again, this takes a little thought because I do not believe DK tabulated it anywhere.
He does say, however that the Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science is "a reflection of the will-to-know."
I would call this the first sub-aspect.
What happens after a desire to know grows inside of you?
You then place attention toward the discovery, discernment and attainment of knowledge.
After you desire to know and place attention on that which you will-to know what then happens?
Eventually you discover concrete useable pieces of knowledge.
The three sub-aspects would therefore be:
(1) Will-to-know
(2) Attention
(3) Concrete knowledge
Question: Why do you suppose DK called it "Concrete Knowledge" instead of just "knowledge?"
Susan Carter gives a good answer: "He was talking about knowledge of form and not ideas or forces or things "unseen."
Peter also gave an excellent answer: "I think the fifth ray is called Concrete Knowledge because it has to do with the Techniques behind manifestation. It is known to be the Ray of the Scientist - who are the men that produce results in the concrete world - or "How-to-do-things" knowledge. Recipes for working in the concrete world (the Physical plane) = Techniques."
As we mentioned earlier, knowledge is one of the sub-aspects of the Third Ray, but to indicate that we are dealing with another aspect, or view of knowledge, we qualify the difference in meaning here by calling it "concrete knowledge."
Concrete knowledge is that which can be discovered and understood by the concrete mind by using a scientific or investigative approach.
This approach is limited, as spiritual thinkers know, and there are certain types of knowledge that is beyond the grasp of physical science and investigation.
Even so, this concrete knowledge is extremely important to all self conscious lives such as humanity. For instance, without concrete knowledge we would not be having this class on the internet, you would have no phone to talk on and no car to drive.
Concrete practical knowledge makes living on the physical plane bearable and sometimes even enjoyable.
Which member of the original Star Trek had his personality on this Ray?
I expected a simple non-questioning answer that this would be Spock, but I see that Susan is attempting to think outside the box:
"Spock was interested in the truth of a matter and facts but I don't see him as curious, an emotional element nor the ability to discern outside of pure fact. So to me The Doctor personifies this better. The best scientists, despite their cold reputation, always have a side to them that is passionate to know, to understand and to pursue. Their emotions are not directed towards people but towards ideas, hence their "cold" reputations. Einstein was a terrible lover and had many failed relationships. I think a blend between Spock and the Doctor is more true to Ray 5. The Doctor as portrayed had too much emotion towards people to be a true Ray 5 (or perhaps his secondary ray was ray 2:-)."
You're right Susan, that Spock did not seem to have an obvious will-to-know because he did not display much emotion. On the other hand, a not so obvious desire for knowledge must have been there because he had so much of it. He even seemed to know more about earth history than earth people did.
It may be of interest to the group as we dabble in the Rays for me to give you my assessment of the rays governing the Star Trek cast.
Captain Kirk:
The personality Ray governs what we see in a person on the surface and I would say that Kirk's personality Ray is Ray 2 for he has wisdom and is intuitive.
I would also guess his soul ray is Ray 2
But the ray of his monad is on Ray 1. This gives him the amazing power to defeat his enemies even though he is a nice guy.
His mind is on Ray 4. This gives him his very creative thinking ability.
His emotional body is on Ray 6. This gives him a powerful ability to communicate emotionally when the need requires.
Most physical bodies are on Ray Seven.
Spock's Rays:
Soul - Ray 2
Personality - Ray 5
Mind - Ray 3
Emotions - Ray 4
I give Spock a second ray soul because he gives off the vibration of love and friendship much more than he wants us to believe. His soul seems to want him to discover higher emotion.
I give him a 4th Ray emotional body because he is always struggling with the duality of his emotions.
Bone's Rays:
Soul - Ray 2 (Always caring and concerned)
Personality - Ray 6 (Very emotional displays)
Mind - Ray 5 (Even though he is emotional he is a good concrete thinker)
Emotions - Ray 6 (The combination of two six ray influences makes him very emotional).
I do not give the ray of the Monad for Spock and Bones for there is not enough information to accurately discern it. As much as they help Kirk overcome the bad guys, they could be Ray One also.
Now you try your hand. What rays govern the following people?
George W. Bush
Bill Clinton
John Lennon
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved