2001-12-23 05:01:00
I'll start with a few comments on Jerdana's post on Mystics.
First, thank you for giving us some details of your background. It is always interesting to know some details in the lives of our members.
I do not have time to give a full response to your comments but will say that it seems that you have a little different view, of what an occultist or mystic is, than myself. Since we are presently using the writings of Alice A. Bailey for a basis of discussion we are attempting to use definition of terms in her material.
Here are several things Djwahl Khul says about the two groups:
"The mystic is not necessarily an occultist, but the occultist embraces the mystic. Mysticism is but one step on the path of occultism. In this solar system--the system of love in activity--the path of least resistance for the majority is that of the mystic, or the path of love and devotion. In the next solar system the path of least resistance will be that which we now understand as the occult path. The mystic path will have been trodden. Wherein lies the difference between these two types? The mystic deals with the evolving life; the occultist deals with the form.
"The mystic deals with the God within; the occultist with God in outer manifestation.
"The mystic works from the centre to the periphery; the occultist reverses the process.
"The mystic mounts by aspiration and intensest devotion to the God within or to the Master Whom he recognises; the occultist attains by the recognition of the law in operation and by the wielding of the law which binds matter and conforms it to the needs of the indwelling life. In this manner the occultist arrives at those Intelligences Who work with the law, till he attains the fundamental Intelligence Himself.
"The mystic works through the Rays of Love, Harmony and Devotion, or by the path of the second, the fourth and the sixth rays. The occultist works through the Rays of Power, Activity, and Ceremonial Law, or the first, the third and the seventh. Both meet and blend through the development of mind, or through the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge (a fragment of cosmic intelligence), and on this fifth ray the mystic is resolved into the occultist and works then with all the rays.
"By finding the kingdom of God within himself and by the study of the laws of his own being, the mystic becomes proficient in the laws which govern the universe of which he is a part. The occultist recognises the kingdom of God in nature or the system and regards himself as a small part of that greater whole, and therefore governed by the same laws.
"The mystic works as a general rule under the department of the World Teacher, or the Christ, and the occultist more frequently under that of the Manu, or Ruler, but when both types have passed through the four minor rays in the department of the Lord of Civilisation, then a completion of their development may be seen, and the mystic becomes the occultist and the occultist includes the characteristics of the mystic. To make it more simple for general comprehension:-after initiation the mystic is merged in the occultist for he has become a student of occult law; he has to work with matter, with its manipulation and uses, and he has to master and control all lower forms of manifestation, and learn the rules whereby the building devas work. Before initiation the mystic path might be expressed by the term, Probationary Path. Before the occultist can manipulate wisely the matter of the solar system he must have mastered the laws that govern the microcosm, and even though he is naturally on the occult path yet he will still have to find the God within his own being before he can safely venture on the path of occult law.
"The mystic seeks to work from the emotional to the intuitional, and thence to the Monad, or Spirit. The occultist works from the physical to the mental, and thence to the atma or Spirit. One works along the line of love; the other along the line of will. The mystic fails in the purpose of his being-that of love demonstrated in activity-unless he co-ordinates the whole through the use of intelligent will. Therefore he has to become the occultist.
"The occultist similarly fails and becomes only a selfish exponent of power working through intelligence, unless he finds a purpose for that will and knowledge by an animating love which will give to him sufficient motive for all that he attempts." End Quote
The bottom line here is that the mystic and the occult methods both have their place and both have methods that each must borrow from the other. However, in the end the mystic is merged with the occultist. This end product of our evolution is a blending of the two methods, but a polarization on the occult path wherein divine activity lies.
From reading your responses, I find what seem to be several misunderstandings on this subject.
First of all, there is no competition between the mystics and the occultists as to which is the better path. Individuals on all paths may be competitive on an isolated level but as a general principle the two groups are two cooperating training grounds within the great plan.
There should be no concern as to which is the better path or the more advanced path, but which is the best path for advancement for the seeker at his current stage of progression and service. Each of us who are in tune with our souls will have an inner knowing when the correct course is determined.
Some seem to think that the mystic doesn't study much or work with details. This is not necessarily true. Some mystics such as St. Augustine are ferocious students and writers.
Some get the idea that occultists are too much into details, but mystics can get over involved in details also.
The difference is in the emphasis of direction more than anything else.
The mystic places attention on feelings and consciousness whereas the occultist concentrates on seeing and vision.
The beginning student and initiate will lean more on one path than the other, but in the end will blend and balance the two with an occult polarization which incorporates the best of the mystic and the occultist.
The Masters are occultists, but many of them use and work with mystical methods. Christ being on the Ray of Love Wisdom understands the way of higher vision and is the teacher of Masters, angels and men and uses many mystical methods to reach the world, but occult means to teach his peers.
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved