2001-12-22 05:12:00
We have just passed the winter solstice or the first day of winter. Legend has it that the saviors of the race are born during this period of deepest night and darkness to lead us into the greatest light.
Since the church authorities did not know the true birth of Christ, they thought that December 25th was as good as any, especially since it was already a Roman holiday centuries before the birth of Christ. On this day the Romans celebrated the mirthraic feast of the Sun-god. Also from December 17-23 they held a great festival honoring Saturn, the god of agriculture.
Early Christians were reluctant to celebrate the birth of Christ until the Church at Rome declared it as a day of celebration around 320 A.D.
Few scholars however, seriously believe that Jesus was born in December.
Some feel that delving into the Rays is too complex, but many of you have an interest in astrology which is just as complex or more so. In fact, I am amazed at how many amateur astrologers there are out there when you consider how complicated the art is. But just as you learn a little astrology and it starts to get interesting even so it is with the Rays. In fact, the influence of the Rays is what makes astrology work. It takes a knowledge of the Rays to fully understand and appreciate astrology.
As we proceed and begin putting the pieces together, I think that you will see that a study of the Rays can be quite enlightening.
The Question:
The next aspect is the Third Ray of Active Intelligence. Why do you suppose this aspect, which is associated with the Holy Spirit, is called Active Intelligence and what does this phrase mean?
What do you suppose the three sub-aspects of this Ray are?
This last question is difficult, especially if you spent time sifting through the writings of Alice A. Bailey looking for the answer. There are 24 Bailey books so there are always writings overlooked by students, but I do not believe it is clearly expressed in there.
Sometimes not having the answer clearly given in black and white is a good thing for it forces us back upon our own souls to verify the answer.
If the answer to a metaphysical question is not available what should the student do?
Answer: One should assemble all the facts available around the problem, attempt to look at the core principle involved and contemplate the answer.
It looks like several of you were brave enough to make an attempt here. Glenys proposes:
Activity, Intelligence and Matter (form)
This is definitely the right direction for all three of these items are connected with the third aspect. Actually, intelligent activity is one of the three sub-aspects and matter is a result of this activity, but not an aspect itself. So the question is what are the other two sub aspects?
Keith gives a profound paragraph here:
"The third ray (Holy Spirit/Light/Active Intelligence) is active because it is positive/male. The third ray gives of itself in activity through the light of discriminating intelligence. The light of truth penetrates all illusion by pursuing God (First Ray) and finding him hidden within all forms of matter. This recognition of first ray by the penetrating light of third ray reveals God in all his glory."
Your statement was so good Keith I'm quoting the whole thing.
Keith names a second sub-aspect which is Light. The Holy Spirit is an entity representing an aspect but is not an aspect itself.
Susan Carter says:
So I would say that the three sub-aspects of this third ray are stepped down reflections of the first two rays and are scientific knowledge, devotion to God and correct alignment/balance.
You are using the Law of Correspondences Susan, this will always lead you the right direction. You did name what I consider to be another sub aspect which is Knowledge.
Blayne says:
The first thing that comes to mind here is acting on your intelligence. What good is it to know a thing that you do nothing with?
This is an excellent question to ponder when considering the third aspect as a whole.
Run this by your souls for the three sub-aspects:
Light, Knowledge and Intelligent Activity
Behind the Third Ray or aspect is the mind of God and within that mind is a grand idea which is unfolding. The Third Ray shines Light upon this idea.
Light reveals Knowledge, the second sub-aspect.
Light and knowledge interplay and produce intelligent activity, the third sub-aspect.
Unlike the other sub-aspects we have covered, this third sub-aspect of the Third Aspect cannot be defined in one word for there is no single English word which expresses the meaning. The two words, Intelligent Activity, do not do it justice. If we had to express it more fully, perhaps we could word it thus: "Intelligent activity creatively driven by the light of truth which propels the creation of form toward the fulfillment of the divine plan."
Djwahl Khul uses the word adaptability as a driving force of creation through the Third Ray. What do you suppose this word has to do with the power of creation? Perhaps we could word this another way and ask: What does adaptability have to do with evolution?
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved