2001-12-7 00:53:00
John Z writes:
"I believe the issue is how the word 'Elias' is used. As you pointed out, it is the Greek translation of "Elijah." It is also the title for someone who is a 'fore-runner' of another. Then again, there seems to have been an actual individual holding keys of a gospel dispensation named Elias [See Doctrine & Covenants (D&C) 110:12.].
"If the assumption is that whenever one sees 'Elias' in the New Testament, it should be replaced with 'Elijah,' then the conclusion would indeed follow that Elijah was John the Baptist."
It is a definite fact that in the Bible there are not two persons or offices named Elijah and Elias. Wherever the word Elias appears in the New Testament it is a reference to the prophet Elijah. The Old Testament is written in Hebrew and the name is spelled ELIYAH and is rendered Elijah in the English. The New Testament scrolls are written in Greek, and Elijah is written as HELIAS and is rendered Elias in the English.
There is no possibility of mistranslation here because a name is just what it is -- a name, only the sound and not the meaning has to be rendered. This means there is virtually no possibility that Elias and Elijah have two different connotations.
The confusion occurs because Joseph [Smith] used the name Elias in a different manner than Elijah. This was done on his own initiative. The entity he named Elias was most probably not his real name, but a word that could be used by Joseph's consciousness.
You make an interesting point when you say that the prophecy reads that Elias (Elijah) must restore all things and therefore Elijah must not be a person because Joseph [Smith] restored all things, and he was not Elijah the prophet.
There is one major flaw in this argument. Joseph [Smith] did not restore all things nor will he in his future lives. The restoration of all things is accomplished by many people. The Alice A. Bailey writings, for instance, restore many ancient truths, keys and principles.
Why then is it written that Elijah would "restore all things"?
The answer is quite simple.
John the Baptist and Elijah are the same person and the promise was that the Priesthood would be "revealed" (not given or ordained to) by Elijah.
Who revealed the Priesthood?
Answer: John the Baptist who was Elijah in a former life.
Does this have anything to do with the restoration of "all things"?
Yes, it has everything to do with it.
John not only revealed the Aaronic Priesthood, but as I gave evidence earlier, he also revealed all priesthood.
What is the Priesthood?
The priesthood is the "Key of the knowledge of God." (See: D&C 84:19)
What is another word for the key of the knowledge of God?"
Answer: Revelation
What is the foundation upon which the church was to be built?
Answer: Revelation
Before this time all the churches thought that revelation had ceased and this made the restoration of all things impossible.
John revealed the principle of revelation to Joseph, and the light of revelation spread until today where there are many who seek it and are participating in restoring ancient truths.
It is now only a matter of time before all things are restored through revelation given through hundreds of disciples in many lands. This breakthrough in restoring revelation which would restore all things was made by Elijah and/or John the Baptist.
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