2001-11-28 04:30:00
My wife and I went to see Manheim Steamroller tonight. The music was a good reminder of the fact that the universe itself is a great musical instrument and that good music puts us in touch with the higher spheres.
John asks, 'what is a Monad?' Since you have a Mormon background perhaps the best way to explain to you is in Mormon Language.
The monad is your originating intelligence, or light of truth, that primal part of you which is eternal and co-equal with God, for it is a reflection of the one God.
In esoteric language the monad is that originating point from which your evolution into consciousness began. It is that part of you which is at one with God and is the Father aspect of your being. It is your personal "Father in heaven."
Your monad vibrates on one of the Rays of Aspect (rays one, two or three) and not on a Ray of Attribute.
John also asks, 'How long will it be before the higher principles are restored to Mormon Church?'
The future is going to unfold a lot different than is believed within the Mormon Church today. So far all the higher principles revealed since 1844 have been given to teachers outside the LDS church and will continue so for some time to come. Concerning the coming of the One Mighty and Strong you might note that he will set "the House of God" in order. Note that the prophecy does not talk about setting the "Church" in order?
And who is the House of God? It is those people of all religions and beliefs who seek after knowledge and the Spirit of God with purity of motive. Many of the pure in heart in this age feel lost in this world as if they do not belong and desire order and fellowship within the true house of God - but know not where or how to find it.
Thanks for your correction Assaf. I changed my original. And thanks to you and Susan for your comments on the Trinity.
Thanks, my friends, for your comments and quotes.
Thanks for your quotes from church history, Blayne, I added them to my list.
Thanks Mark and Mindy for your helpful quotes.
The three Rays of aspect, are that of Power, Love/Wisdom and Active Intelligence, or The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These are three different perceptions of the One Life. We often call this One Life the Father, but the Father is the first aspect of the One and not the actual One Life itself. There is no name that would have much meaning to our consciousness for the One Life behind the aspects, but we know it includes the wholeness of the Trinity and embraces Father/Mother/Child.
I have received an insight into that which is behind the Three and have given it the name Purpose for want of a better word. There is no English word for it but Purpose gives a glimmer of insight into the origin of all creation.
If you look at a baby, a flower or the night sky with thousands of stars and think of the word "Purpose" it gives one the feeling that everything is drifting toward some glorious end that we cannot imagine in our present consciousness.
The originating Purpose causes the three aspects to manifest, making creation begin, paving the way for originating Purpose to eventually be understood by Itself and its creations which are extensions of Itself.
The first glimpse then into the mind of God reveals Power, for God could not manifest if he was powerless.
The second glimpse into the mind of God reveals Love for even though God has the power, he would not create if he did not love his creations.
The third glimpse into the mind of God reveals intelligence for when Power through Love creates, the intelligence of the Creator is obvious.
Thus the three aspects, or visions of God are Power, Love and Intelligence - and from these three all creation owes its origin.
All the rays are subdivided into lower Trinities. The Trinity that composes the First Ray of Power is this:
Will - Power - Purpose
These subdivisions are sub-aspects or a different, more concentrated way of looking at God than seeing Him as Power or Purpose Only.
To understand the First Ray one must contemplate these words (Will - Power - Purpose) - what they mean and how their meanings interplay.
Think then on these three words and tell us that they mean in relation to God, humanity and each other.
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved