2001-11-26 14:33:00
Susan writes:
some of the names by which the [first] ray Lord is called:
The Lord of Death
The Opener of the Door
The Liberator from Form
The Great Abstractor
The Fiery Element, producing shattering
The Crystallizer of the Form
The Power that touches and withdraws
The Lord of the Burning Ground
The Will that breaks into the Garden
The Ravisher of Souls
The Finger of God
The Breath that blasts
The Lightning which annihilates
The Most High
JJ, I must admit this is extremely difficult for me. It sounds like Lucifer is being exalted as the ultimate God over the Christ Consciousness. I will stick by this study for a while to see if my soul leads me one way or the other, but this is a difficult moment for me.
The first point to consider is whether you are referring to the name Lucifer as in "Bringer of Light" or the one who was a Lucifer, but is fallen and no longer bears this name, but instead is a "Prince of Darkness."
The Light bringing aspect is the Third Ray, not the First.
I assume you are concerned that perhaps some evil source is behind all this because, for instance the First Ray is associated with the Lord of Death.
Does this scripture help?
Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
Christ was actually Second Ray but worked under the First Ray Lord and thus had the keys of death making him a Lord of death as far as He wielded the Father energy.
Was not God the Lord of Death as taught by the Biblical flood where humanity was destroyed by a great flood?
There is an important principle to follow as higher knowledge is pursued. One must look beyond the black and white of what was held dear in the past and look at the principle of good and evil in itself as it registers with the soul who receives as a little child.
If we, for instance take the scripture which says that "The Lord is a man of War" (Ex 15:3) and use it to signal a red flag when violated then we would indeed reject Christ Himself (a man of peace) if He should appear. In fact, this scriptural red flag was the very thing that caused the Jews to reject the Messiah, for time and time again He seemed to violate their literal interpretation. Again and again they thought the scriptures indicated He was in cahoots with the evil one for He seemed to be destroying their law.
They would have been better off to do as the prostitutes, disregard the scriptures and judge him purely on the basis of these simple questions:
Is this a good man or a bad man?
Are his teachings elevating or destructive?
Are his actions helpful and loving or hurtful?
Does he teach principles that can be registered by my soul or data that cannot be verified?
Joseph Smith had a terrible problem in dealing with members who had red flags go up when his teachings seemed to contradict an interpretation of scripture they held dear. When he taught that we are gods and man is "co-equal with God" it raised such consternation that many wanted him dead.
In addition he spoke thus to his inner circle he said: "Would to God I could tell you what I know! But you would want to call it blasphemy and want to take my life." Life of Heber C. Kimball Page 333.
This was something even beyond the man becoming God doctrine. He apparently knew some startling things that would seem to violate any black and white interpretation of scripture.
Jesus made a similar statement to the apostles.
Because higher revelation always seems (note that word) to contradict the old, the only ones who can withstand it when it comes are those who understand the basic principle of good and evil and are guided by it according to soul contact.
Now, in relation to the Rays the first thing to consider is this. The essential energy of the rays is like money. It is an energy which is neither good nor evil by itself. Whether or not the Ray energy is good or evil depends on the intelligence of he who wields the power.
There is a first Ray Lord on the side of Light, but there is also one on the dark side.
Those who use the First Ray on the side of light will use the name of "the Lord of death" in a positive way to further the evolution of humanity. For instance the Brotherhood of Light used the death aspect to destroy Hitler's Third Reich, outworn ideas, and useless forms. The Dark Brotherhood uses this same aspect to destroy freedom, the souls of men and the appearance of new forms which help humanity.
We shall talk more about this, but please ask additional questions as the need arises. I do seek oneness in the soul with you and the others on these matters of concern.
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved