The Three In One

2001-11-26 05:09:00

My Friends,

I know I have not been asking questions or giving assignments lately, but that's no reason to relax and let Rick do all the work here. Let's throw off the cobwebs and get the circulation going again.

The Question: What is the difference between a Ray of Aspect and one of Attribute and why are they called such?

Rick, who sometimes grumbles that the Bailey writings are obscure and difficult to understand, gives pretty enlightened comments on the material. Let me quote:

"Aspect has to do with which way something is facing, like left, right, middle. Attribute has more to do with what's in something. On my chart, the first three rays come from the One Source and the remaining rays come out of ray three but also contain a mixture of the other two. As we discovered, when using the chart before, it is laid out intentionally to allow us to use correspondence. It would seem that the first three rays are primary ways of looking at things and the secondary or attribute rays contain mixtures of perspectives. Compare to your reactions to a given input. You can be happy or sad, which is an aspect or you could be confused by it, with equal amounts of happy and sad, an attribute."

Well said, Rick. Actually Djwahl Khul never clearly explained why the first three Rays are called aspects and the lower four called attributes. But this is one thing we will concentrate on here, Instead of just quoting the Bailey material we will take certain teachings and elaborate and expand upon them.

You can read the books without the aid of me or the group. The benefit of a class like this is that it will allow us to go further than what has been written in black and white.

Rick says an aspect "has to do with which way something is facing, like left, right, middle." My dictionary has two definitions which seem to apply: 1. A way in which something can be viewed by the mind. 2. A position facing or commanding a given direction; exposure.

To really understand the first three Rays of aspect (Rays 1, 2 & 3) we have to go back to the One Great Life, the Creator of all there is.

Because in the ultimate reality "all is One" then the only way there can be more than one is to view the One from differing angles, or aspects, giving the illusion that there is more than one and from this illusionary principle or aspect, create all there is.

The aspect principle goes back to the guitar string idea I taught earlier.

If you take a single guitar string and examine it there is before you only one string. But if you pluck it and create sound (the Word) then something magical happens before your eyes. Suddenly as you look at the vibrating string you see not one string but three strings. These three strings are three aspects of the one string.

An attribute is defined as "A quality or characteristic inherent in or ascribed to someone or something."

Thus the Rays of Attribute correspond to the qualities of the sound which comes from the vibrating string.

It could also be said that an aspect corresponds to what we see and attributes to what we hear or sense.

The first three rays are given as follows by DK:

Ray I Power Life Ideas The Monad
Ray II Love-Wisdom Consciousness Ideals The Soul
Ray III Active Intelligence Appearance Idols The Personality

These three rays have many names and correspondences. Here are just a few:

Shiva Vishnu Brahma Hindu
Father Son Holy Ghost Christian
Kepher Binah Chochmah Hebrew
Amun-RA Horus Osiris-Isis Egyptian

Most of us are most familiar with the Christian Trinity, The Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

To say that these three are aspects of God is then to say that these three are three different ways of looking at or understanding the One God.

Question: What are the Father, and the Son and the Holy Ghost? How is each different from the other?