2001-11-19 11:40:00
I understand your frustration Marylin. Today words like "repent," and "sin," are associated with the likes of some half crazed fundamentalist preacher that we all want to run from.
But in the days of Jesus they were "cool" cutting edge words like "synergistic" and "paradigm shift" is today. This is because the meaning has been altered (or should I say obscured) today.
To sin mean to "miss the mark" or to error and to "repent" meant to correct such an error in judgment.
Susan writes:
The part of me that liked pat answers and spoon-fed doctrines is writhing in pain as I assault my old beliefs and look anew. Nor am I comfortable just accepting JJ's answers as my new pat answers and spoon fed doctrines. His statements constantly challenge me asking for soul contact and know for myself. This is not an easy process!
I think most of us have gone through the pat answer syndrome at one time or another. The pat answer routine requires only acceptance and no thought about what is accepted. It was only through great struggle that I was able to free myself from this. It is especially difficult for Mormons because of the teachings of the unpardonable sin creates a great fear that must be neutralized. Of course the regular Christian belief of burning in hell for eternity is no small potatoes either - it's just a little easier to shrug off because it is completely illogical.
Some Mormons I have taught have responded something like this.
"You may be right in all you say, but if there is even one chance in a million you are wrong then there would be a chance I could reign with the devil and his angels for eternity in outer darkness as a son of perdition. I'll play it safe and follow the regular teachings."
How did I overcome this dreaded thoughtform?
Answer: Faith.
What kind of faith?
Faith in the love of God.
If God is truly Love then He/She/It will work with me, even if I am in error, as long as I am willing to follow the highest I know. If God is not willing to go this far with His children then we wouldn't even want to return to Him would we? Who wants to live for eternity with any Being who is willing to condemn anyone to eternal pain for merely following what is seen as a harmless path that is seen as the best of all possible worlds?
Who wants to live with a God who would send Ghandi to hell for choosing the wrong version of theology?
The truth is that God is good and the eternal path of light is the path of dominating good.
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved