2001-10-29 04:49:00
Just a few comments for Assaf and others who may have a favorite writer or teacher, who may be controversial.
About all we can do in this regard is to seek and present true principles behind revelation and the discovery of truth in the hope that seekers will benefit and sharpen their discernment skills as they proceed along the path.
I'm sure all of us have been inspired by a writing or teacher and then as greater light came we moved on. Then on reflection we may have wondered why we were attracted to the teaching to begin with.
The truth is that each of these teachings we find (when our heart is pure) are stepping stones to greater reality.
That which we know now may seem as illusion when several more veils are removed from the heart of God.
Therefore, each of us must proceed with the highest light we have and milk each doctrine that catches our attention until our cup is full. Then the next step will be revealed.
None of the teachers are all right or all wrong. Some are merely closer to the truth than others.
Some on the list feel that Ramtha has something to offer, others do not. The Ramtha group has sold hundreds of my books as well as other helpful books on their list so this and other organizations do provide stepping stones of knowledge in addition to their own teachings.
Again, the important thing to acquire, even above an inspired teacher, is personal soul contact. With soul contact truth can be gleamed from writings filled with illusion. With no soul contact only illusion will be seen even in presentations of pure truth.
Keith mentions Lobsang Rampa who is suspected by many to be a fraud in some of his claims. I also found him fascinating in his presentation of teachings and have read all his books. Whether his claim of switching a Tibetan body for a Canadian one is true or not, there are many truths to be gleaned from his teachings.
I found the Teachings of the Masters of the Far East very helpful and inspiring when I first began to study metaphysics, but later found out that Baird Spaulding, the author, had not made the trips to India that is claimed in the books. This discovery did not nullify the positive influence it had on my search for truth.
Like many of us on this list, I also took a journey through orthodox religion and indeed found much there I decided to leave behind. But I also found many truths to take with me that will be valuable indeed for the rest of my life and beyond.
I want to stress that all are welcome here no matter who their favorite teacher is. All we ask for is an open mind and a sincere heart.
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved